metric boundedness

metric boundedness
мат. метрическая ограниченность

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "metric boundedness" в других словарях:

  • Metric space — In mathematics, a metric space is a set where a notion of distance (called a metric) between elements of the set is defined. The metric space which most closely corresponds to our intuitive understanding of space is the 3 dimensional Euclidean… …   Wikipedia

  • Local boundedness — In mathematics, a function is locally bounded, if it is bounded around every point. A family of functions is locally bounded, if for any point in their domain all the functions are bounded around that point and by the same number. Locally bounded …   Wikipedia

  • Uniform boundedness — In mathematics, bounded functions are functions for which there exists a lower bound and an upper bound, in other words, a constant which is larger than the absolute value of any value of this function. If we consider a family of bounded… …   Wikipedia

  • Totally bounded space — In topology and related branches of mathematics, a totally bounded space is a space that can be covered by finitely many subsets of any fixed size (where the meaning of size depends on the given context). The smaller the size fixed, the more… …   Wikipedia

  • Bounded set — In mathematical analysis and related areas of mathematics, a set is called bounded, if it is, in a certain sense, of finite size. Conversely a set which is not bounded is called unbounded. Definition A set S of real numbers is called bounded from …   Wikipedia

  • Arzelà–Ascoli theorem — In mathematics, the Arzelà–Ascoli theorem of functional analysis gives necessary and sufficient conditions to decide whether every subsequence of a given sequence of real valued continuous functions defined on a closed and bounded interval has a… …   Wikipedia

  • Glossary of topology — This is a glossary of some terms used in the branch of mathematics known as topology. Although there is no absolute distinction between different areas of topology, the focus here is on general topology. The following definitions are also… …   Wikipedia

  • Heine–Borel theorem — In the topology of metric spaces the Heine–Borel theorem, named after Eduard Heine and Émile Borel, states:For a subset S of Euclidean space R n , the following two statements are equivalent: * S is closed and bounded *every open cover of S has a …   Wikipedia

  • Hausdorff distance — The Hausdorff distance, or Hausdorff metric, measures how far two compact non empty subsets of a metric space are from each other. It is named after Felix Hausdorff.Informally, the Hausdorff distance between two sets of points, is the longest… …   Wikipedia

  • Baire category theorem — The Baire category theorem is an important tool in general topology and functional analysis. The theorem has two forms, each of which gives sufficient conditions for a topological space to be a Baire space. Statement of the theorem *(BCT1) Every… …   Wikipedia

  • Coarse structure — Coarse space redirects here. For the use of coarse space in numerical analysis, see coarse problem. In the mathematical fields of geometry and topology, a coarse structure on a set X is a collection of subsets of the cartesian product X × X with… …   Wikipedia

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