Смотреть что такое "meter-mixer" в других словарях:
Frequency mixer — This article is about non linear mixing operating in the frequency domain. For other types of mixers, see electronic mixer. Frequency Mixer Symbol. In electronics a mixer or frequency mixer is a nonlinear electrical circuit that creates new… … Wikipedia
RX meter — An RX meter is used to measure the separate resistive and reactive components of reactive parallel Z network.The two variable frequency oscillators track each other at frequencies 100 kHz apart. The output of a 0.5 250 MHz oscillator, F1is fed in … Wikipedia
Noise-figure meter — A noise figure meter is an instrument for measuring the noise figure of an amplifier, mixer, or similar device. An example instrument is the 1983 era Agilent 8970A. Contents 1 Measurement methods 2 Noise source 2.1 Thermal noise … Wikipedia
VU meter — /vi ˈju mitə/ (say vee yooh meetuh) noun a meter on devices which process audio signals, such as a tape recorder or a mixer, which indicates the energy level of the signal to assist the operator in preventing overload while achieving optimum… …
motion-picture technology — Introduction the means for the production and showing of motion pictures. It includes not only the motion picture camera and projector but also such technologies as those involved in recording sound, in editing both picture and sound, in… … Universalium
RME — is a German company that designs and builds audio hardware, including audio interfaces, analog to digital converters, and digital to analog converters. While the majority of their audio interface solutions are PCIbased as well as PCI Express,… … Wikipedia
Spectrum analyzer — A spectrum analyzer Spectrum analyzer display A spectrum analyzer measures the magnitude of an input signal versus frequency with … Wikipedia
Radio transmitter design — In plate modulation systems the voltage delivered to the stage is changed. As the power output available is a function of the supply voltage, the output power is modulated. This can be done using a transformer to alter the anode (plate) voltage.… … Wikipedia
Reason (software) — Reason Reason 4 on Microsoft Windows 7 … Wikipedia
DJ Hero — Developer(s) FreeStyleGames, Exient En … Wikipedia
Oscar/Technische Verdienste — Der Oscar für technische Verdienste (Academy Technical Achievement Award) ist eine seit 1931 vergebenene Auszeichnung der Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences und würdigt herausragende Leistungen auf dem Gebiet der Verbesserung technischer … Deutsch Wikipedia