- meteoroid
- астр. метеорное тело (астрономия) метеорное тело
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Meteoroid — [griechisch. ..oeide̅s »ähnlich«] der, s/ e, ein sich im interplanetaren Raum bewegender Kleinkörper (bis zu einer Größe von einigen Metern). Ein Meteoroid kann einen Meteor verursachen, wenn er in die Erdatmosphäre eindringt; gelangt ein… … Universal-Lexikon
Meteoroid — Me te*or*oid (m[=e] t[ e]*[ e]r*oid), n. [Meteor + oid.] (Astron.) A small body moving through space, or revolving about the sun, which on entering the earth s atmosphere would be deflagrated and appear as a meteor. [1913 Webster] These bodies… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
meteoroid — (n.) rock floating in space, which becomes a meteor when it enters Earth s atmosphere, formed in English, 1865, from METEOR (Cf. meteor) + OID (Cf. oid) … Etymology dictionary
meteoroid — ► NOUN ▪ a small body that would become a meteor if it entered the earth s atmosphere … English terms dictionary
meteoroid — [mēt′ē ər oid΄] n. any of the many small, solid bodies traveling through outer space, which are seen as meteors when they enter the earth s atmosphere … English World dictionary
Meteoroid — A few shooting stars can be seen in this video from the ISS. A Perseid meteor (light streak somewhat to right of center of photo) and Milky Way. A meteoroid is a sand to … Wikipedia
Meteoroid — Foto der Milchstraße und der Leuchtspur eines verglühenden Meteoroiden Meteoroiden [meteoroˈiːd] (griech.: die Endung oeides bedeutet „ähnlich“) sind kleine Objekte des Sonnensystems auf einer Umlaufbahn um die Sonne, von denen einige die Erdbahn … Deutsch Wikipedia
Meteoroid Technology Satellite — MTS / Explorer 46 Organización NASA Estado Reentrado en la atmósfera … Wikipedia Español
meteoroid — noun Date: 1865 1. a meteor particle itself without relation to the phenomena it produces when entering the earth s atmosphere 2. a meteor in orbit around the sun • meteoroidal adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
meteoroid — /mee tee euh royd /, n. Astron. any of the small bodies, often remnants of comets, traveling through space: when such a body enters the earth s atmosphere it is heated to luminosity and becomes a meteor. [1860 65; METEOR + OID] * * * … Universalium
meteoroid — noun A relatively small (sand to boulder sized) fragment of debris in a solar system that produces a meteor when it hits the atmosphere See Also: meteorite, meteorology … Wiktionary