Смотреть что такое "meteor-dust" в других словарях:
meteor — Synonyms and related words: aerolite, asteroids, aurora particles, blackout, bolide, chondrite, cosmic dust, cosmic particles, cosmic ray bombardment, fireball, intergalactic matter, meteor crater, meteor dust, meteor dust impacts, meteor shower … Moby Thesaurus
meteor streams — plural noun Streams of dust revolving about the sun, whose intersection by the earth causes meteor showers • • • Main Entry: ↑meteor … Useful english dictionary
Meteor shower — This article is about the falling of meteors. For the TV program, see Meteor Shower (TV series). A meteor shower is a celestial event in which a number of meteors are observed to radiate from one point in the night sky. These meteors are caused… … Wikipedia
meteor and meteoroid — ▪ astronomy Introduction respectively, a glowing streak in the sky (meteor) and its cause, which is a relatively small stony or metallic natural object from space (meteoroid) that enters Earth s atmosphere and heats to incandescence. In modern… … Universalium
Meteor (film) — For the 2009 television film, see Meteor (TV miniseries). Meteor original film poster Directed by Ronald Neame … Wikipedia
interplanetary dust particle — ▪ astronomy also called micrometeoroid, micrometeorite , or cosmic dust particle a small grain, generally less than a few hundred micrometres in size and composed of silicate minerals and glassy nodules but sometimes including sulfides,… … Universalium
Radiant (meteor shower) — The radiant or apparent radiant of a meteor shower is the point in the sky, from which (to a planetary observer) meteors appear to originate. The Perseids, for example, are meteors which appear to come from a point within the constellation of… … Wikipedia
Feuerball (Meteor) — Ein Perseiden Meteor Meteore (griech. metéoros (μετέωρος) = „schwebend, in der Luft“) sind im weiteren Sinne lokale, sporadische Erscheinungen am Himmel und an der Erdoberfläche. Viele derartige Erscheinungen wurden bereits in der Antike zum… … Deutsch Wikipedia
International Meteor Organization — The International Meteor Organization (IMO) was founded in 1988 and has several hundred members. IMO was created in response to an ever growing need for international cooperation of meteor amateur work. The collection of meteor observations by… … Wikipedia
Meteoroid — A few shooting stars can be seen in this video from the ISS. A Perseid meteor (light streak somewhat to right of center of photo) and Milky Way. A meteoroid is a sand to … Wikipedia
Smallville (season 2) — Smallville Season 2 DVD box cover art Country of origin United States … Wikipedia