Смотреть что такое "metamers" в других словарях:
metamers — metamerai statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Izomerai, kurie skiriasi vienas nuo kito heteroatomo padėtimi alifatinėje grandinėje. atitikmenys: angl. metamers rus. метамеры … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Metamerism (color) — This article is about metamerism as it relates to colorimetry. For other meanings see the disambiguation page. In colorimetry, metamerism is the matching of apparent color of objects with different spectral power distributions. Colors that match… … Wikipedia
Embryophyte — Land plants Temporal range: Late Silurian–Recent[1][2] (Spores from Dapingian (early Middle Ordovician) … Wikipedia
Metamerism (biology) — Earthworms are a classic example of biological heteronomous metamery the property of repeating body segments with distinct regions In biology, metamerism is a linear series of body segments fundamentally similar in structure, though not all such… … Wikipedia
metamerism — 1. A type of anatomic structure exhibiting serially homologous metameres; in primitive forms, such as the annelids, the metameres are almost alike in structure; in vertebrates, specialization in the cephalic region masks the underlying m., which… … Medical dictionary
C6H4CH32 — Paraxylene Par a*xy lene, n. (Chem.) A hydrocarbon ({C6H4(CH3)2}) of the aromatic series obtained as a colorless liquid by the distillation of camphor with zinc chloride. It is one of the three metamers of xylene. Cf. {Metamer}, and {Xylene}.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Metamer — Met a*mer, n. [See {Metamere}.] (Chem.) Any one of several metameric forms of the same substance, or of different substances having the same composition; as, xylene has three metamers, viz., orthoxylene, metaxylene, and paraxylene; an isomer.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Paraxylene — Par a*xy lene, n. (Chem.) A hydrocarbon ({C6H4(CH3)2}) of the aromatic series obtained as a colorless liquid by the distillation of camphor with zinc chloride. It is one of the three metamers of xylene. Cf. {Metamer}, and {Xylene}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Color — This article is about the perceptual property. For other uses, see Color (disambiguation). For usage of color on Wikipedia, see Wikipedia:Colors. Colored pencils Color or colour (see spelling differences) is the visual perceptual property… … Wikipedia
Physicalism — is a philosophical position holding that everything which exists is no more extensive than its physical properties; that is, that there are no kinds of things other than physical things. The term was coined by Otto Neurath in a series of early… … Wikipedia
Standard illuminant — A standard illuminant is a profile or spectrum of visible light which is published in order to allow images or colors recorded under different lighting to be compared.CIE illuminantsThe International Commission on Illumination (usually… … Wikipedia