Смотреть что такое "metallocenes" в других словарях:
Metallocene — General chemical structure of a Metallocene compound, where M is a metal cation A metallocene is a compound typically consisting of two cyclopentadienyl anions (Cp, which is C5H5 ) bound to a metal center (M) in the oxidation state II, with the… … Wikipedia
Nickelocene — Nickelocene … Wikipedia
Cobaltocene — IUPAC name … Wikipedia
Cyclopentadiene — Cyclopentadiene … Wikipedia
Polyethylene — or polythene (IUPAC name poly(ethene)) is a thermoplastic commodity heavily used in consumer products (notably the plastic shopping bag). Over 60 million tons of the material are produced worldwide every year. Description Polyethylene is a… … Wikipedia
Cyclopentadienyl complex — Zirconocene dichloride, a cyclopentadienyl complex A cyclopentadienyl complex is a metal complex with one or more cyclopentadienyl groups (C5H5−, abbreviated as Cp−). Based on the type of bonding between the metals and the cyclopentadienyl]]… … Wikipedia
Polyhedral skeletal electron pair theory — In chemistry the polyhedral skeletal electron pair theory provides electron counting rules useful for predicting the structures of clusters such as borane and carborane clusters. The electron counting rules were originally formulated by Kenneth… … Wikipedia
Chromocene — IUPAC name … Wikipedia
102-54-5 — Ferrocène Ferrocène Représentations du Ferrocène Général … Wikipédia en Français
C10H10Fe — Ferrocène Ferrocène Représentations du Ferrocène Général … Wikipédia en Français
Ferrocene — Ferrocène Ferrocène Représentations du Ferrocène Général … Wikipédia en Français