Смотреть что такое "metacymene" в других словарях:
cymene — [sī′mēn΄] n. [< Gr kyminon: see CUMIN] a colorless hydrocarbon, CH3C6H4CH(CH3) 2, occurring in three isomeric forms ( orthocymene, metacymene, and paracymene), derived from toluene: the most common form, paracymene, is found in the oil of… … English World dictionary
cy|mene — «SY meen», noun. a colorless, liquid hydrocarbon with a lemonlike odor, that occurs in the oil of cumin and other plants in three isometric forms (orthocymene, metacymene, and paracymene). Formula: C10H14 ╂[< Latin cumīnum (see etym. under… … Useful english dictionary