Смотреть что такое "mesyl" в других словарях:
mesyl- — metansulfonil statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Grupė. formulė CH₃SO₂– atitikmenys: angl. mesyl ; methanesulfonyl ; methylsulfonyl rus. мезил ; метансульфонил ; метилсульфонил ryšiai: sinonimas – metilsulfonil sinonimas – mezil … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
mesyl — ˈmesə̇l, ˈmēs noun ( s) Etymology: methane + sulfonyl : the univalent radical CH3SO2− of methane sulfonic acid; methyl sulfonyl * * * meswage, mesyl(le, mesyng, mesynge … Useful english dictionary
mesyl — noun The methylsulfonyl radical … Wiktionary
Mesyl- — Me|syl : Abk. für ↑ Methansulfonyl … Universal-Lexikon
Mesylate — Structural formula of the mesylate anion … Wikipedia
Sulfonyl — A sulfone. It consists of a sulfonyl group bonded with two hydrocarbon substituents. A sulfonyl group can refer either to a functional group found primarily in sulfones or to a substituent obtained from a sulfonic acid by the removal of the… … Wikipedia
Methanesulfonyl chloride — Methanesulfonyl chloride … Wikipedia
Liste der Abkürzungen der Organischen Chemie — Diese Liste der Abkürzungen der Organischen Chemie listet die gebräuchlichsten Abkürzungen in der Organischen Chemie nach Themengebieten auf. In der Organischen Chemie werden sowohl Abkürzungen für sehr gebräuchliche Chemische Verbindungen,… … Deutsch Wikipedia
List of elements by symbol — TOCright This is a list of chemical elements by symbol, including the current signification used to identify the chemical elements as recognized by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, as well as proposed and historical signs.… … Wikipedia
Dichlorocarbene — Dichlorocarbene … Wikipedia
Grob fragmentation — A Grob fragmentation, named for the British chemist Cyril A. Grob, is an elimination reaction taking place when an electrofuge and nucleofuge are situated in positions 1 and 3 on an aliphatic chain. [Grob, C. A.; Baumann, W. Helv. Chim. Acta 1955 … Wikipedia