Смотреть что такое "mesoglea" в других словарях:
Mesoglea — is the translucent, inert, jelly like substance that makes up most of the bodies of jellyfish, comb jellies and certain primitive sea creatures in the phyla Cnidaria and Ctenophora. It acts as the creatures structural support in water, as they… … Wikipedia
Mesoglea — mesoglea:capa gelatinosa no celular entre el ectodermo y el mesodermo de animales tales como esponjas y celentéreos. * * * ► femenino ZOOLOGÍA Capa de material gelatinoso situada entre el ectodermo y el endodermo de los animales diploblásticos … Enciclopedia Universal
mesoglea — or mesogloea [mes΄ōglē′ə, mez΄ōglē′ə] n. [ModL < Gr mesos,MID1 + LGr gloia, glue, akin to Gr gloios, sticky oil: see GLUE] a jellylike layer in cnidarians and ctenophores, lying between the ectoderm and the endoderm mesogleal adj. mesogloeal … English World dictionary
mesoglea — also mesogloea noun Etymology: New Latin, from mes + Late Greek gloia, glia glue more at clay Date: 1886 a gelatinous substance between the endoderm and ectoderm of sponges or coelenterates … New Collegiate Dictionary
mesoglea — mesogleal, adj. /mez euh glee euh, mes , mee zeuh , seuh /, n. the noncellular, gelatinous material between the inner and outer body walls of a coelenterate or sponge. Also, mesogloea. [1885 90; < NL mesogloea, equiv. to meso MESO + Gk gloía… … Universalium
mesoglea — meso·glea (mez″o ) (me″zo gleґə) [meso + Gr. gloia glue] the layer between the epidermis and gastrodermis of cnidarians … Medical dictionary
mesoglea — me·so·glè·a s.f. 1. TS biol. massa intercellulare gelatinosa presente nei Poriferi e nei Celenterati 2. TS embriol. non com. → mesenchima {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1957. ETIMO: comp. di meso e del gr. gloía colla … Dizionario italiano
mesoglea — pl.f. mesoglee … Dizionario dei sinonimi e contrari
mesoglea — meso·glea … English syllables
mesoglea — mes•o•gle•a or mes•o•gloe•a [[t]ˌmɛz əˈgli ə, ˌmɛs , ˌmi zə , sə [/t]] n. ivt the noncellular, gelatinous material between the inner and outer body walls of cnidarians and ctenophores • Etymology: 1885–90; meso + Gk gloía glue … From formal English to slang
mesoglea — /mɛsoʊˈgliə/ (say mesoh gleeuh), /miz / (say meez ) noun a jelly like non living material between the ectoderm and endoderm of coelenterates. Also, mesogloea. {New Latin, from meso meso + Greek gloia glue} …