Смотреть что такое "mesocratic" в других словарях:
mesocratic — [mes΄ə krat′ik, mez΄ə krat′ik] adj. [< MESO + Gr kratein, to rule (< kratos, strength: see HARD) + IC] containing 30 to 60 percent of heavy, dark minerals: said esp. of igneous rocks … English World dictionary
mesocratic — | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷|krad.ik adjective Etymology: mes + cratic (as in leucocratic) of igneous rock : having nearly equal dark and light mineral constituents a mesocratic diorite compare leucocratic, melanocratic … Useful english dictionary
mesocratic — /mez euh krat ik, mes , mee zeuh , seuh /, adj. Petrol. (of an igneous rock) composed of light and dark minerals in nearly equal amounts. [1855 60; MESO + CRAT + IC] * * * … Universalium
mesocratic — meso·crat·ic … English syllables
Gascoyne Complex — The Gascoyne Complex is a terrane of Proterozoic granite and metamorphic rock in the central western part of Western Australia. The complex outcrops at the exposed western end of the Capricorn Orogen, a 1,000 km long arcuate belt of folded,… … Wikipedia
mesocracy — (n.) government by the middle classes, 1858, from MESO (Cf. meso ) + CRACY (Cf. cracy). Related: Mesocratic (1857) … Etymology dictionary
leucocratic — |lükə|krad.ik adjective Etymology: German leukokrat leucocratic (from leuk leuc + krat, from Greek kratein to rule, prevail) + English ic; akin to Greek kratos strength more at hard of a mineral or rock : having a light color compare melanocratic … Useful english dictionary
melanocratic — |melənō|krad.ik adjective Etymology: melan + Greek kratein to be strong, rule (akin to Greek kratos strength) + English ic more at hard of igneous rock : having predominantly dark mineral constituents compare leucocratic, mesocratic … Useful english dictionary