mesh texture
Смотреть что такое "mesh texture" в других словарях:
mesh — /mesh/, n. 1. any knit, woven, or knotted fabric of open texture. 2. an interwoven or intertwined structure; network. 3. any arrangement of interlocking metal links or wires with evenly spaced, uniform small openings between, as used in jewelry… … Universalium
Mesh parameterization — Given two surfaces with the same topology, a bijective mapping between them exists. On triangular mesh surfaces, the problem of computing this mapping is called mesh parameterization. The parameter domain is the surface that the mesh is mapped… … Wikipedia
mesh — I. noun Etymology: Middle English, probably from Middle Dutch maesche; akin to Old High German masca mesh, Lithuanian mazgos knot Date: 14th century 1. one of the openings between the threads or cords of a net; also one of the similar spaces in a … New Collegiate Dictionary
mesh — [[t]mɛʃ[/t]] n. 1) an arrangement of interlocking metal links or wires with evenly spaced, uniform small openings between, as used in jewelry, sieves, etc 2) tex any knit, woven, or knotted fabric of open texture 3) an interwoven or intertwined… … From formal English to slang
texture — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Surface characteristics Nouns 1. texture, quality, fabric, surface, fiber, nap, tooth, tissue, weave, warp and woof, weft, grain, fineness or coarseness of grain; smoothness, roughness. See ornament. 2.… … English dictionary for students
mesh — Synonyms and related words: Chinese puzzle, Gordian knot, Rube Goldberg contraption, allure, alternation, arabesque, bag, bait the hook, basketry, basketwork, birdlime, can of worms, cancellation, catch, catch out, clutches, coact, coaction,… … Moby Thesaurus
texture — Synonyms and related words: anatomy, arabesque, architectonics, architecture, arrangement, basketry, basketwork, being, braiding, build, building, cancellation, character, cloth, composition, configuration, conformation, consistency, constitution … Moby Thesaurus
texture — n 1. weave, weaving, nap, pile, tissue, fabric; grain, surface, make, denier, feel, touch, granulation; fiber, woof, warp and woof, tooth; contexture, intertexture, crossing, intertwinement, interlacement; mesh, net, web, meshwork, network, web… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
Polygon mesh — A polygon mesh or unstructured grid is a collection of vertices, edges and faces that defines the shape of a polyhedral object in 3D computer graphics and solid modeling. The faces usually consist of triangles, quadrilaterals or other simple… … Wikipedia
Static mesh — Static meshes are polygon meshes which constitute a major part of map architecture in Unreal Engine 2 and 3. The word static refers only to the fact that static meshes they can t be vertex animated, as they can be moved, scaled, or reskinned in… … Wikipedia
Direct3D — is part of Microsoft s DirectX API. Direct3D is only available for Microsoft s various Windows operating systems (Windows 95 and above) and is the base for the graphics API on the Xbox and Xbox 360 console systems. Direct3D is used to render… … Wikipedia