meromorphic solution

meromorphic solution
мат. мероморфное решение

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "meromorphic solution" в других словарях:

  • Gamma function — For the gamma function of ordinals, see Veblen function. The gamma function along part of the real axis In mathematics, the gamma function (represented by the capital Greek letter Γ) is an extension of the factorial function, with its… …   Wikipedia

  • Isomonodromic deformation — In mathematics, the equations governing the isomonodromic deformation of meromorphic linear systems of ordinary differential equations are, in a fairly precise sense, the most fundamental exact nonlinear differential equations. As a result, their …   Wikipedia

  • Potential flow — streamlines around a NACA 0012 airfoil at 11° angle of attack, with upper and lower streamtubes identified. In fluid dynamics, potential flow describes the velocity field as the gradient of a scalar function: the velocity potential. As a result,… …   Wikipedia

  • Analytic number theory — In mathematics, analytic number theory is a branch of number theory that uses methods from mathematical analysis to solve number theoretical problems. [Page 7 of Apostol 1976] It is often said to have begun with Dirichlet s introduction of… …   Wikipedia

  • Mathematics of radio engineering — A complex valued function. The mathematics of radio engineering is a pleasant and very useful subject. This article is an attempt to provide a reasonably comprehensive summary of this almost limitless topic. While the ideas have historically… …   Wikipedia

  • Riemann zeta function — ζ(s) in the complex plane. The color of a point s encodes the value of ζ(s): dark colors denote values close to zero and hue encodes the value s argument. The white spot at s = 1 is the pole of the zeta function; the black spots on the… …   Wikipedia

  • Complex projective space — The Riemann sphere, the one dimensional complex projective space, i.e. the complex projective line. In mathematics, complex projective space is the projective space with respect to the field of complex numbers. By analogy, whereas the points of a …   Wikipedia

  • Matrix exponential — In mathematics, the matrix exponential is a matrix function on square matrices analogous to the ordinary exponential function. Abstractly, the matrix exponential gives the connection between a matrix Lie algebra and the corresponding Lie group.… …   Wikipedia

  • Complex number — A complex number can be visually represented as a pair of numbers forming a vector on a diagram called an Argand diagram, representing the complex plane. Re is the real axis, Im is the imaginary axis, and i is the square root of –1. A complex… …   Wikipedia

  • Malgrange–Ehrenpreis theorem — In mathematics, the Malgrange–Ehrenpreis theorem states that every non zero linear differential operator with constant coefficients has a Green s function. It was first proved independently by Leon Ehrenpreis (1954, 1955) and Bernard… …   Wikipedia

  • Confluent hypergeometric function — In mathematics, a confluent hypergeometric function is a solution of a confluent hypergeometric equation, which is a degenerate form of a hypergeometric differential equation where two of the three regular singularities merge into an irregular… …   Wikipedia

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