mercury thermometer
Смотреть что такое "mercury thermometer" в других словарях:
mercury thermometer — gyvsidabrinis termometras statusas T sritis Standartizacija ir metrologija apibrėžtis Skystinis termometras, užpildytas gyvsidabriu. atitikmenys: angl. mercury thermometer; mercurial thermometer vok. Quecksilberthermometer, n rus. ртутный… … Penkiakalbis aiškinamasis metrologijos terminų žodynas
mercury thermometer — gyvsidabrinis termometras statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. mercury thermometer; mercurial thermometer vok. Quecksilberthermometer, n rus. ртутный термометр, m pranc. thermomètre à mercure, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
mercury thermometer — noun thermometer consisting of mercury contained in a bulb at the bottom of a graduated sealed glass capillary tube marked in degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit; mercury expands with a rise in temperature causing a thin thread of mercury to rise in… … Useful english dictionary
mercury thermometer — a liquid in glass thermometer in which mercury is the liquid used … Medical dictionary
mercury thermometer — /ˈmɜkjəri θəˌmɒmətə/ (say merkyuhree thuh.momuhtuh) noun a thermometer which uses mercury to register changes in heat …
Mercury-in-glass thermometer — Closeup of a maximum thermometer. The break in the column of mercury is visible. A mercury in glass thermometer, also known as a mercury thermometer, was invented by German physicist Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit in 1724 and is a thermometer… … Wikipedia
Thermometer — A clinical mercury in glass thermometer … Wikipedia
mercury-in-glass thermometer — noun thermometer consisting of mercury contained in a bulb at the bottom of a graduated sealed glass capillary tube marked in degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit; mercury expands with a rise in temperature causing a thin thread of mercury to rise in… … Useful english dictionary
mercury-in-glass clinical thermometer — noun a mercury thermometer designed to measure the temperature of the human body; graduated to cover a range a few degrees on either side of the normal body temperature • Syn: ↑clinical thermometer • Hypernyms: ↑mercury thermometer, ↑mercury in… … Useful english dictionary
Thermometer — Ther*mom e*ter (th[ e]r*m[o^]m [ e]*t[ e]r), n. [Thermo + meter: cf. F. thermom[ e]tre. See {Thermal}.] (Physics) An instrument for measuring temperature, founded on the principle that changes of temperature in bodies are accompanied by… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
mercury — [mʉr′kyoor ē, mʉr′kyərē] n. [L Mercurius, Mercury, of Etr orig.] 1. [M ] Rom. Myth. the messenger of the gods, god of commerce, manual skill, eloquence, cleverness, travel, and thievery: identified with the Greek Hermes 2. [M ] the eighth largest … English World dictionary