mentally defective
Смотреть что такое "mentally defective" в других словарях:
mentally defective — mentally deficient, mentally handicapped … English contemporary dictionary
defective — I adjective amiss, awry, below par, below standards, beneath standards, blemished, broken, bruised, crippled, damaged, deficient, deformed, distorted, falling short, faultful, faulty, flawed, impaired, imperfect, imperfectus, inadequate,… … Law dictionary
defective — adj. & n. adj. 1 having a defect or defects; incomplete, imperfect, faulty. 2 mentally subnormal. 3 (usu. foll. by in) lacking, deficient. 4 Gram. not having all the usual inflections. n. a mentally defective person. Derivatives: defectively adv … Useful english dictionary
defective — adj. VERBS ▪ be, prove ▪ If the goods prove defective, the customer has the right to compensation. ADVERB ▪ highly, seriously (esp. BrE), severely … Collocations dictionary
mentally retarded — Synonyms and related words: arrested, babbling, backward, blithering, burbling, crackbrained, cracked, crazy, cretinistic, cretinous, dithering, driveling, drooling, half baked, half witted, idiotic, imbecile, imbecilic, maundering, mentally… … Moby Thesaurus
Defective — De*fect ive, n. 1. Anything that is defective or lacking in some respect. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] 2. (Med.) One who is lacking physically or mentally. Note: Under the term defectives are included deaf mutes, the blind, the feeble minded, the insane … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
defective — mid 14c., from M.Fr. défectif (14c.) and directly from L.L. defectivus, from defect , pp. stem of deficere (see DEFICIENT (Cf. deficient)). A euphemism for mentally ill from 1898 to c.1935. Related: Defectively; defectiveness … Etymology dictionary
defective — I. adjective Date: 14th century 1. a. imperfect in form or function ; faulty < a defective pane of glass > b. falling below the norm in structure or in mental or physical function < defective eyesight > 2. lacking one or more of the usual forms… … New Collegiate Dictionary
defective — Denoting or exhibiting a defect; imperfect; a failure of quality. * * * de·fec·tive di fek tiv adj falling below the norm in structure or in mental or physical function <defective eyesight> de·fec·tive·ness nəs n defective n one that is… … Medical dictionary
defective, deficient — The first of these terms should be related to defect, the second to deficit. For example, money that is counterfeit is defective because of its defect. Money is deficient if there is not enough of it. Defect is the general word for any kind of… … Dictionary of problem words and expressions
mentally — adv. Mentally is used with these adjectives: ↑active, ↑alert, ↑competent, ↑defective, ↑deficient, ↑deranged, ↑disabled, ↑disturbed, ↑exhausted, ↑exhausting, ↑handicapped, ↑ … Collocations dictionary