- mental incapacity
- недееспособность по причине психического заболевания
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
mental incapacity — n 1) an absence of mental capacity 2) an inability through mental disorder or mental retardation of any sort to carry on the everyday affairs of life or to care for one s person or property with reasonable discretion … Medical dictionary
mental incapacity — index insanity Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
mental incapacity — A condition of outright insanity or other weakness or deficiency of mind which renders the person afflicted incapable of understanding the nature and effect of a business transaction. 13 Am J2d Cane Inst § 13. Old age, weakening of the memory and … Ballentine's law dictionary
mental incapacity — noun or mental incompetence 1. : an absence of mental capacity 2. : an inability through mental illness or mental deficiency of any sort to carry on the everyday affairs of life or to care for one s person or property with reasonable discretion … Useful english dictionary
mental incapacity; mental incompetency — Such is established when there is found to exist an essential privation of reasoning faculties, or when a person is incapable of understanding and acting with discretion in the ordinary affairs of life. See incapacity insanity … Black's law dictionary
mental incapacity; mental incompetency — Such is established when there is found to exist an essential privation of reasoning faculties, or when a person is incapable of understanding and acting with discretion in the ordinary affairs of life. See incapacity insanity … Black's law dictionary
incapacity — in·ca·pac·i·ty /ˌin kə pa sə tē/ n pl ties 1: the quality or state of being incapable; esp: lack of legal qualifications due to age or mental condition compare capacity 2: the inability of an injured worker to perform the duties required in a job … Law dictionary
mental incompetence — n MENTAL INCAPACITY … Medical dictionary
incapacity — In the broader meaning, physical or mental inability to act. In some contexts, confined to mental disability or incapability. Ellicott v Ellicott, 90 Md 321, 45 A 183 (incapacity to pursue a college education.) For the purposes of workmen s… … Ballentine's law dictionary
incapacity — in|ca|pa|ci|ty [ˌınkəˈpæsıti] n [singular, U] formal lack of the ability to do things or to do something ▪ temporary incapacity through illness mental/physical/intellectual etc incapacity ▪ Evidence of his mental incapacity was never produced in… … Dictionary of contemporary English
incapacity — [[t]ɪ̱nkəpæ̱sɪti[/t]] N UNCOUNT: oft with poss, oft N to inf The incapacity of a person, society, or system to do something is their inability to do it. [FORMAL] ...Europe s incapacity to take collective action... Patients with no mental… … English dictionary