- mensural
- ˈmensjurəl прил.
1) равномерный, размеренный, ритмичный Syn : measured
2) муз. мензуральный мерный (музыкальное) мензуральный mensural муз. мензуральный ~ мерный, размеренный
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
mensural — mensurál adj. m., pl. mensuráli; f. sg. mensurálă, pl. mensurále Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic MENSURÁL, Ă adj. (despre un sistem de notaţie mu zicală) în care se precizează înălţimea şi durata sunetelor. (< … Dicționar Român
Mensural — Men su*ral, a. [L. mensuralis.] Of or pertaining to measure. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
mensural — index appreciable Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
mensural — (adj.) pertaining to measure, measurable, c.1600, from M.L. mensuralis, from L. mensura a measuring, measurement (see MEASURE (Cf. measure) (v.)) … Etymology dictionary
mensural — adj. 2 g. [Música] Que tem mensura ou compasso. ‣ Etimologia: latim tardio mensuralis, a … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
mensural — (Del lat. mensurālis). adj. Que sirve para medir … Diccionario de la lengua española
mensural — [men′shər əl] adj. [LL mensuralis] 1. of measure 2. Music designating or of polyphonic music in which each note is given a strictly determined value … English World dictionary
mensural — ► adjetivo Que sirve para medir. * * * mensural (del lat. «mensurālis») adj. Apto o útil para medir. * * * mensural. (Del lat. mensurālis). adj. Que sirve para medir. * * * ► adjetivo Que sirve para medir … Enciclopedia Universal
Mensural notation — A manuscript page of early mensural notation, late 14th century. The Agnus Dei of the Barcelona Mass. Mensural notation is the musical notation system which was used in European music from the later part of the 13th century until about 1600.… … Wikipedia
mensural notation — a system of musical notation of the 13th to the late 16th centuries, marked by the use of note symbols such as the longa and brevis, the absence of bar lines and ties, and the equivalence in value of one note to either two or three of the next… … Universalium
mensural — adjective Etymology: Late Latin mensuralis measurable, from Latin mensura Date: circa 1580 1. of, relating to, or being polyphonic music originating in the 13th century with each note having a definite and exact time value 2. of or relating to… … New Collegiate Dictionary