Смотреть что такое "menfolk" в других словарях:
Menfolk — is a four man Danish musical group based in Copenhagen. They formed in the mid 90s as a three man group called Prune, but in 2000 gained a bass player and changed their name.Menfolk is: Per Cnöeldh on the drums, Søren Kirk Jakobsen on bass,… … Wikipedia
menfolk — (n.) also men folk the male sex, men generally, 1802, from MEN (Cf. men) + FOLK (Cf. folk) (n.) … Etymology dictionary
menfolk — ► PLURAL NOUN ▪ the men of a family or community considered collectively … English terms dictionary
menfolk — [men′fōk΄] pl.n. [Informal or Dial.] men: also menfolks … English World dictionary
menfolk — noun a) The male members of a group. At our family reunion, the menfolk generally have a ball game, while the womenfolk gossip and trade snapshots. b) Male people in general. The old woman was surprised when the soldiers stopped to look at her… … Wiktionary
menfolk — /men fohk /, men, esp. those belonging to a family or community: The menfolk are all working in the fields. Also, menfolks. [1795 1805; MEN + FOLK] * * * … Universalium
menfolk — men|folk [ˈmenfəuk US fouk] n [plural] old fashioned the men in a particular society, family etc →↑womenfolk ▪ Many women took in washing to supplement the income of their menfolk … Dictionary of contemporary English
menfolk — [[t]me̱nfoʊk[/t]] N PLURAL: usu poss N When women refer to their menfolk, they mean the men in their family or society … English dictionary
menfolk — noun (plural) old fashioned a word used by women meaning men, especially their male relatives: Round up the menfolk for dinner, please … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
menfolk — or menfolks noun plural Date: 1749 1. men in general 2. the men of a family or community … New Collegiate Dictionary
menfolk — men|folk [ men,fouk ] noun plural OLD FASHIONED the men in a family or community … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English