mend fences — phrase to try to become friends again with someone who you have argued with The object of the meeting was primarily to mend fences. Thesaurus: ending, solving and avoiding arguments and fightshyponym to start a friendshipsynonym Main entry: mend… … Useful english dictionary
mend fences — mend fences/bridges/relations ► to try to improve a relationship with someone you have had a disagreement with: »The industry is trying to mend fences with government, environmental groups, and the public. Main Entry: ↑mend … Financial and business terms
mend fences — mend (your) fences to repair a relationship with someone. The mayor is trying to mend fences with members of the city council so they will approve his plan … New idioms dictionary
mend fences — When people mend fences, they try to improve or restore relations that have been damaged by disputes or arguments … The small dictionary of idiomes
mend fences — verb to repair damage to a friendship or relationship after a disagreement or other mishap I dont think he was very happy with my work, so Im going to talk to him and try to mend fences … Wiktionary
mend fences — When people mend fences, they try to improve or restore relations that have been damaged by disputes or arguments. (Dorking School Dictionary) … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
mend fences — solve political problems, listen to voters Every summer the politicians go home and try to mend fences … English idioms
mend fences — to try to become friends again with someone who you have argued with The object of the meeting was primarily to mend fences … English dictionary
mend fences/bridges/relations — ► to try to improve a relationship with someone you have had a disagreement with: »The industry is trying to mend fences with government, environmental groups, and the public. Main Entry: ↑mend … Financial and business terms
mend fences — ► mend (one s) fences make peace with a person. Main Entry: ↑mend … English terms dictionary
mend your fences — mend (your) fences to repair a relationship with someone. The mayor is trying to mend fences with members of the city council so they will approve his plan … New idioms dictionary