- memory parity interrupt
- прерывание по нарушению четности при контроле запоминающего устройства
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
non-maskable interrupt — noun A hardware level interrupt that cannot be masked by software, such as a memory parity error … Wiktionary
Non-maskable interrupt — A non maskable interrupt (NMI) is a computer processor interrupt that cannot be ignored by standard interrupt masking techniques in the system. It is typically used to signal attention for non recoverable hardware errors. (Some NMIs may be masked … Wikipedia
List of Intel chipsets — This is a list of motherboard chipsets made by Intel. It is divided into three main categories: those that use the PCI bus for interconnection (the 4xx series), those that connect using specialized Hub Links (the 8xx series), and those that… … Wikipedia
A+ Core Hardware Exam — The A+ Hardware Exam is a certification exam for hardware in computing.Below is a summary of the 2003 A+ Hardware Exam objectives: Test Core Hardware Exam Domain 1 Installation, Configuration, and Upgrading 1.1 Identify the names, purpose, and… … Wikipedia
computers — (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Electronic data processors Nouns 1. computer, analog or digital computer, CISC or RISC computer, workstation, supercomputer, mainframe, minicomputer, microcomputer, personal computer, PC, Macintosh, IBM… … English dictionary for students
Conventional PCI — PCI Local Bus Three 5 volt 32 bit PCI expansion slots on a motherboard (PC bracket on left side) … Wikipedia
Apollo Guidance Computer — and DSKY Invented by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory Manufacturer Raytheon Introduced August 1966 … Wikipedia
Immunity Aware Programming — When writing firmware for an embedded system, immunity aware programming is a set of programming techniques used in an attempt to tolerate transient errors in the program counter or other that would otherwise lead to failure.Immunity aware… … Wikipedia
8085 — Intel 8085 Der Intel 8085 ist ein 1976 eingeführter 8 Bit Mikroprozessor von Intel. Als Nachfolger des Intel 8080 war er zu diesem binär kompatibel, integrierte jedoch Taktgenerator (8224) und Buscontroller (8228) und besaß eine leistungsfähigere … Deutsch Wikipedia
Intel 8085 — Der Intel 8085 ist ein 1976 eingeführter 8 Bit Mikroprozessor von Intel. Als Nachfolger des Intel 8080 war er zu diesem binär kompatibel, integrierte jedoch Taktgenerator (8224) und Buscontroller (8228) und besaß eine leistungsfähigere Interrupt… … Deutsch Wikipedia
List of AMD Am2900 and Am29000 families — Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) had a number of product lines with the part numbers beginning with 29 . These families were generally not related to one another.The Am29(F, BL, DL, DS)xxx family contains a variety of flash memories, and is not part… … Wikipedia