- memory block
1. блок памяти [запоминающего устройства]
2. блок (данных) в памяти
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
memory block — atmintinės blokas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. memory block; memory unit; storage block; storage unit vok. Speicherblock, m; Speichereinheit, f; Speicherwerk, n rus. блок памяти, m pranc. bloc de mémoire, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas
memory block — collection of primary memory units (Computers) … English contemporary dictionary
Upper Memory Block — Upper Memory Area (UMA, неформально верхняя память) это 384 килобайт памяти, расположенных между адресами А0000h (640 Кб) и до FFFFFh (1024 Кбайт, 1 Мбайт). Является особенностью архитектуры IBM PC совместимого компьютера. Содержание 1… … Википедия
Upper Memory Block — [Abk. UMB, dt. »Block im oberen Speicher«] der, Upper Memory Area … Universal-Lexikon
Upper Memory Block — UMB (Upper Memory Block, englisch für „oberer Speicherblock“) ist ein Begriff aus der Speicherverwaltung von DOS und bezeichnet die frei nutzbaren Bereiche im UMA (Upper Memory Area, englisch für „oberer Speicherbereich“) oberhalb des… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Memory pool — Memory pools, also called fixed size blocks allocation, allow dynamic memory allocation comparable to malloc or C++ s operator new. As those implementations suffer from fragmentation because of variable block sizes, it can be impossible to use… … Wikipedia
Memory protection — is a way to control memory access rights on a computer, and is a part of most modern operating systems. The main purpose of memory protection is to prevent a process from accessing memory that has not been allocated to it. This prevents a bug… … Wikipedia
High Memory Block — part of the first 640k of memory extended beyond 1 megabyte used to expand the basic memory in computers running on DOS … English contemporary dictionary
upper memory block — Abbreviated UMB. The memory between 640KB and 1MB in a personal computer running MS DOS. This area was originally reserved for system and video use; however, not all the space is used. The unused portions are the UMBs. With an Intel 80386 (or… … Dictionary of networking
Memory management unit — This 68451 MMU could be used with the Motorola 68010 A memory management unit (MMU), sometimes called paged memory management unit (PMMU), is a computer hardware component responsible for handling accesses to memory requested by the CPU. Its… … Wikipedia
memory unit — atmintinės blokas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. memory block; memory unit; storage block; storage unit vok. Speicherblock, m; Speichereinheit, f; Speicherwerk, n rus. блок памяти, m pranc. bloc de mémoire, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas