memory arithmetic

memory arithmetic
вычисление в уме

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "memory arithmetic" в других словарях:

  • Arithmetic logic unit — schematic symbol Cascadable 8 …   Wikipedia

  • Memory corruption — happens when the contents of a memory location are unintentionally modified due to programming errors; this is known as violating memory safety. When the corrupted memory contents are used later in the computer program, it leads either to program …   Wikipedia

  • Memory safety — Software Testing portal Memory safety is a concern in software development that aims to avoid software bugs that cause security vulnerabilities dealing with random access memory (RAM) access, such as buffer overflows and dangling pointers.… …   Wikipedia

  • memory abnormality — Introduction       any of the disorders that affect the ability to remember.       Disorders of memory must have been known to the ancients and are mentioned in several early medical texts, but it was not until the closing decades of the 19th… …   Universalium

  • Memory management unit — This 68451 MMU could be used with the Motorola 68010 A memory management unit (MMU), sometimes called paged memory management unit (PMMU), is a computer hardware component responsible for handling accesses to memory requested by the CPU. Its… …   Wikipedia

  • Memory buffer register — A Memory Buffer Register (MBR) is the register in a computer s processor, or central processing unit, CPU, that stores the data being transferred to and from the immediate access store. It acts as a buffer allowing the processor and memory units… …   Wikipedia

  • computer memory — memory (def. 11). * * * Introduction       device that is used to store data or programs (sequences of instructions) on a temporary or permanent basis for use in an electronic digital computer. Computers represent information in binary code,… …   Universalium

  • C memory model — Memory models in the C programming language are a way to specify assumptions that the compiler should make when generating code for segmented memory or paged memory platforms.For example, on the 16 bit x86 platform, six memory models exist. They… …   Wikipedia

  • Arbitrary-precision arithmetic — In computer science, arbitrary precision arithmetic indicates that calculations are performed on numbers whose digits of precision are limited only by the available memory of the host system. This contrasts with the faster fixed precision… …   Wikipedia

  • Modular arithmetic — In mathematics, modular arithmetic (sometimes called clock arithmetic) is a system of arithmetic for integers, where numbers wrap around after they reach a certain value the modulus. The Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler pioneered the modern… …   Wikipedia

  • Greek arithmetic, geometry and harmonics: Thales to Plato — Ian Mueller INTRODUCTION: PROCLUS’ HISTORY OF GEOMETRY In a famous passage in Book VII of the Republic starting at Socrates proposes to inquire about the studies (mathēmata) needed to train the young people who will become leaders of the ideal… …   History of philosophy

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