- memorialist
- mɪˈmɔ:rɪəlɪst сущ.
1) составитель петиции
2) автор мемуаров Syn : author of memoirs мемуарист составитель петиции, челобитчик memorialist мемуарист ~ составитель петиции
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
memorialist — MEMORIALÍST, Ă, memorialişti, ste, s.m. şi f. Scriitor care compune memoriale sau memorii. [pr.: ri a ] – Din fr. mémorialiste. Trimis de LauraGellner, 27.05.2004. Sursa: DEX 98 memorialíst s. m. (sil. ri a ), pl. memorialíşti Trimis de siveco … Dicționar Român
Memorialist — Me*mo ri*al*ist, n. [Cf. F. m[ e]morialiste.] One who writes or signs a memorial. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
memorialist — [mə môr′ē əlist] n. 1. a person who draws up, signs, or presents a memorial 2. a writer of a memoir or memoirs … English World dictionary
memorialist — memorial ► NOUN ▪ an object or structure established in memory of a person or event. ► ADJECTIVE ▪ in memory of someone. DERIVATIVES memorialist noun memorialize (also memorialise) verb … English terms dictionary
memorialist — ələ̇st noun ( s) 1. : a person who writes or signs a memorial the memorialists are not entitled to be heard T.E.May 2. : a writer of memorials or memoirs France s amplest secret memorialist Janet Flanner specifically … Useful english dictionary
memorialist — noun Date: 1706 1. a person who writes or signs a memorial 2. a person who writes a memoir … New Collegiate Dictionary
memorialist — /meuh mawr ee euh list, mohr /, n. 1. a person who writes memorials. 2. a person who writes memoirs. [1700 10; MEMORIAL + IST] * * * … Universalium
memorialist — noun A writer of memorials … Wiktionary
Memorialist — Me|mo|ri|a|list [memori̯a...] der; en, en <zu 1↑Memorial u. ↑...ist> (veraltet) Verfasser einer Denkschrift, Bittschrift … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
memorialist — mɪ mÉ”Ërɪəlɪst n. one who writes memories, one who writes memoirs; one who presents memoranda … English contemporary dictionary
memorialist — me·mo·ri·al·ist … English syllables