melted cheese
Смотреть что такое "melted cheese" в других словарях:
melted cheese — lydytas sūris statusas Aprobuotas sritis pieno produktai apibrėžtis Pieno gaminys, gaminamas iš sūrio (jei reikia, pridėjus kitų pieno gaminių), lydant ir emulguojant karščiu ir emulgatoriais. Gatavame gaminyje sūrio kilmės sausųjų medžiagų turi… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
Cheese fries — Chili cheese fries … Wikipedia
Cheese on Toast — is a simple snack made by melting cheese on a slice of toast. It is a cheap meal served in greasy spoon / working class cafes throughout Britain. It is also enjoyed by many at home and is a particular favourite with students due to its simplicity … Wikipedia
cheese|burg|er — «CHEEZ BUR guhr», noun. a hamburger sandwich with a slice of melted cheese on top of the meat. ╂[< cheese + (ham)burger] … Useful english dictionary
Cheese — For other uses, see Cheese (disambiguation). A platter with cheese and garnishes … Wikipedia
Cheese sandwich — Toasted cheese redirects here. For the website, see Toasted Cheese (online community). This article is about the sandwich. For the cheese dish often referred to as toasted cheese , see Cheese on toast. Cheese sandwich A fried cheese and ham… … Wikipedia
Cheese dream — A cheese dream topped with bacon. The cheese dream is an open faced version of the American grilled cheese sandwich made with bread, cheddar cheese, and butter, as well as other ingredients.[1] It can be cooke … Wikipedia
cheese steak — a sandwich of sliced steak topped with melted cheese and fried onions, usually served on a long roll. Also, cheesesteak. * * * … Universalium
cheese steak — a sandwich of sliced steak topped with melted cheese and fried onions, usually served on a long roll. Also, cheesesteak … Useful english dictionary
cheese·steak — /ˈʧiːzˌsteık/ noun, pl steaks [count] US : a sandwich made with thin slices of beef and melted cheese … Useful english dictionary
Cheese dog — A cheese dog is a hot dog served with cheese. Contents 1 Cheese types 2 Cheese Placement 3 Bun or Toast? 4 Carolina Dog … Wikipedia