- melodic
- mɪˈlɔdɪk прил. мелодичный, мелодический Syn : melodious, tuneful мелодический, мелодичный melodic мелодический, мелодичный
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
melodic — MELÓDIC, Ă, melodici, ce, adj., s.f. I. adj. 1. Care ţine de melodie, referitor la melodie. 2. Melodios, armonios. II. s.f. Ramură a muzicologiei care se ocupă cu studiul melodiei. ♦ Felul în care este compusă o melodie. – Din fr. mélodique.… … Dicționar Român
Melodic — Me*lod ic, a. [L. melodicus, Gr. ?: cf. F. m[ e]lodique.] Of the nature of melody; relating to, containing, or made up of, melody; melodious. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
melodic — (adj.) 1818, from Fr. mélodique, from L.L. melodicus, from Gk. melodikos, from melodia (see MELODY (Cf. melody)) … Etymology dictionary
melodic — ► ADJECTIVE 1) relating to melody. 2) pleasant sounding. DERIVATIVES melodically adverb … English terms dictionary
melodic — [mə läd′ik] adj. [Fr mélodique < LL melodicus] 1. of, or having the nature of, melody 2. MELODIOUS melodically adv … English World dictionary
melodic — me|lod|ic [mıˈlɔdık US ˈla: ] adj 1.) formal something that sounds melodic sounds like music or has a pleasant tune ▪ Their music is loud and not very melodic. ▪ a deep melodic voice 2.) technical concerned with the main tune in a piece of music… … Dictionary of contemporary English
melodic — [[t]mɪlɒ̱dɪk[/t]] 1) ADJ: usu ADJ n Melodic means relating to melody. ...Schubert s effortless gift for melodic invention. Derived words: melodically [[t]mɪlɒ̱dɪkli[/t]] ADV ...the third of Tchaikovsky s ten operas, and melodically one of his… … English dictionary
melodic — adjective 1 technical concerned with the main tune in a piece of music: the melodic structure of Beethoven s symphonies 2 having a pleasant tune or a pleasant sound like music: a sweet melodic voice … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
melodic — adj. Melodic is used with these nouns: ↑pop … Collocations dictionary
melodic — me|lod|ic [ mə ladık ] adjective 1. ) beautiful to listen to: a deep melodic voice 2. ) relating to the MELODY (=main tune) in a piece of music … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
melodic — UK [məˈlɒdɪk] / US [məˈlɑdɪk] adjective 1) beautiful to listen to a deep melodic voice 2) music relating to the melody (= main tune) of a piece of music … English dictionary