Смотреть что такое "megacity" в других словарях:
megacity — UK US (plural megacities) (also mega city, mega city) /ˈmeɡəˌsɪti/ noun [C] ► a very large city that has a population of more than 10 million people and that is often made of two or more urban areas that have grown so much that they are connected … Financial and business terms
megacity — (n.) also mega city, 1968, from MEGA (Cf. mega ) + CITY (Cf. city) … Etymology dictionary
Megacity — This article is about the general category of conurbation. For other uses, see Mega City (disambiguation). Tokyo is the world s largest megacity … Wikipedia
Megacity — Tokio Als Megastadt werden im Allgemeinen Städte bezeichnet, die mehr als drei (beziehungsweise je nach Definition mehr als fünf, acht oder zehn) Millionen Einwohner haben. Ein oft alternativ genutzter Begriff ist „megaurbaner Raum“. Dieser… … Deutsch Wikipedia
megacity — noun A very large city; a megalopolis. The largest megacity is the Greater Tokyo Area … Wiktionary
megacity — /ˈmɛgəsɪti/ (say meguhsitee) noun a metropolitan area with a population in excess of 10 million people. Megacities are often formed when two or more metropolises grow together. In 1950 only there were only two megacities in the world – New York… …
megacity — ˌˌ noun Etymology: mega + city : megalopolis 1 * * * /meg euh sit ee/, n., pl. megacities. a city having a population of one million or more. [1965 70; MEGA + CITY] * * * megacity /megˈə sit i/ noun 1. A city of over a million inhabitants … Useful english dictionary
MegaCity Chorus — The MegaCity Chorus The MegaCity Chorus is a Toronto, Ontario based men s chorus of about 60 singers drawn from the Ontario District of the Barbershop Harmony Society. Founded in 1997 The Chorus has won the Ontario District Championship in 1999… … Wikipedia
megacity — noun Date: 1967 megalopolis 1 … New Collegiate Dictionary
megacity — /meg euh sit ee/, n., pl. megacities. a city having a population of one million or more. [1965 70; MEGA + CITY] * * * … Universalium
Megacity — Me|ga|ci|ty, die: Megastadt … Universal-Lexikon