- meeting of minds
- совпадение воли и желаний сторон (в процессе заключения договора)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Meeting of Minds — is a television series, created by Steve Allen, which aired on PBS from 1977 to 1981. The show featured guests (played by actors) who played significant roles in world history. Guests would interact with each other and host Steve Allen,… … Wikipedia
meeting of minds — index accordance (understanding), mutual understanding, understanding (agreement) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
meeting of minds — mutual agreement, consensus We agreed to share the cost of the project. It was a meeting of minds … English idioms
meeting of minds — noun a state of cooperation • Syn: ↑concurrence • Hypernyms: ↑agreement, ↑accord * * * : full agreement : concord, harmony men … must make many adjustments before any meeting of minds is possible Mark Starr … Useful english dictionary
meeting of minds — See meeting of the minds … Ballentine's law dictionary
meeting of minds — Synonyms and related words: acclamation, accord, accordance, agreement, agreement of all, chorus, common assent, common consent, concert, concord, concordance, concurrence, confluence of minds, consensus, consensus gentium, consensus of opinion,… … Moby Thesaurus
meeting of minds — Date: 1883 agreement, concord … New Collegiate Dictionary
meeting of minds — (Roget s IV) n. Syn. approval, assent, negotiation; see agreement 3 … English dictionary for students
meeting of minds — idi agreement; accord … From formal English to slang
meeting of minds — The parties to an agreement all having the same understanding of its terms. Mutual comprehension is a requirement for a contract to be valid … Business law dictionary
a meeting of minds — a meeting of (the) minds an understanding or agreement between people * * * a meeting of minds (or US a meeting of the minds) : an understanding or agreement between two people or groups The company and the union tried to come to a meeting of the … Useful english dictionary