- medicine ball
- (спортивное) медицинбол
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
medicine ball — ☆ medicine ball n. a large, heavy, leather covered ball, tossed from one person to another for physical exercise … English World dictionary
Medicine ball — For Chinese medicine balls, see Baoding Balls. Exercising with a medicine ball A medicine ball (also known as an exercise ball, a med ball, or a fitness ball) is a weighted ball roughly the diameter of the shoulders (approx. 14 inches).… … Wikipedia
medicine-ball — médecine ball [medsinbol] ou medicine ball [medisinbol] n. m. ÉTYM. 1910, médecine ball; medicine ball, 1921; angl. medicine ball, 1903 « ballon de médecine » (pour exercices). ❖ ♦ Anglic. Ballon lesté qui sert à l entraînement, à la gymnastique… … Encyclopédie Universelle
medicine ball — noun heavy ball used in physical training • Hypernyms: ↑ball * * * noun, pl ⋯ balls [count] : a heavy leather covered ball that is used for exercises * * * ˈmedicine ball 7 [medicine ball] noun a large heavy ball which is thrown and caught as a… … Useful english dictionary
medicine-ball, medicine-balls ou médecine-ball, médecine-balls — ● medicine ball, medicine balls ou médecine ball, médecine balls (difficultés) nom masculin (anglais medicine, qui sert à traiter, et ball, ballon) Orthographe Les deux graphies, médecine ball et medicine ball, sont admises. Plur. : des médecine… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Medicine Ball Caravan — The Medicine Ball Caravan is an hour long weekday morning music program on KRVS 88.7FM in Lafayette, Louisiana. Airing every Monday through Thursday mornings at 11 am (CST) with repeat broadcasts each following morning at 2 am. Produced and… … Wikipedia
Medicine ball — Engins de l athlétisme On appelle engins les objets et matériel, spécifiques ou non, servant à la pratique de l athlétisme. Engins de compétition Disque, voir lancer du disque Marteau, voir lancer du marteau Perche, voir saut à la perche Poids,… … Wikipédia en Français
medicine ball — med′icine ball n. spo a solid, heavy, leather covered ball tossed for exercise • Etymology: 1890–95 … From formal English to slang
medicine ball — noun Date: 1895 a heavy stuffed leather covered ball used for conditioning exercises … New Collegiate Dictionary
medicine ball — a large, solid, heavy, leather covered ball, thrown from one person to another for exercise. [1890 95] * * * … Universalium
medicine ball — noun a large, heavy solid ball thrown and caught for exercise … English new terms dictionary