median strip

median strip
встречная полоса Syn : centre strip

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "median strip" в других словарях:

  • median strip — median strips N COUNT The median strip is the strip of ground, often covered with grass, that separates the two sides of a major road. [AM] (in BRIT, use central reservation) …   English dictionary

  • median strip — /ˈmidiən strɪp/ (say meedeeuhn strip) noun a dividing area, often raised or landscaped, between opposing traffic lanes on a road or highway. Also, median, medium strip. Usage: Although medium strip is clearly a mishearing of median strip, it has… …  

  • median strip — a paved, planted, or landscaped strip in the center of a highway that separates lanes of traffic going in opposite directions. Also called medial strip, median. [1945 50] * * * …   Universalium

  • median strip — noun Date: 1948 a paved or planted strip dividing a highway into lanes according to direction of travel …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • median strip — noun (C) AmE median 1 (1) …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • median strip — noun : a paved or planted strip of ground dividing a highway into lanes according to direction of travel …   Useful english dictionary

  • median — [mē′dē ən] adj. [L medianus < medius, middle: see MID1] 1. middle; intermediate a) designating a line extending from a vertex of a triangle to the middle of the opposite side b) designating a line joining the midpoints of the nonparallel sides …   English World dictionary

  • median — {{11}}median (adj.) 1590s, from M.Fr. médian (15c.) and directly from L. medianus of the middle, from medius in the middle (see MEDIAL (Cf. medial) (adj.)). Originally anatomical, of veins, arteries, nerves. Median strip strip between lanes of… …   Etymology dictionary

  • median — I UK [ˈmiːdɪən] / US [ˈmɪdɪən] noun [countable] Word forms median : singular median plural medians 1) maths a number that is in the middle of a set when they are arranged in order. For example, in the numbers 1, 3, 4, 8, 9, the median is 4 Their… …   English dictionary

  • median — me|di|an1 [ midiən ] noun count 1. ) median or median strip AMERICAN a narrow piece of ground that separates the two sides of a highway or other main road. British central reservation 2. ) TECHNICAL a number that is in the middle of a set when… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • median — 1. noun a) A central vein or nerve, especially the median vein or median nerve running through the forearm and arm. Why is not our jugular or throat veine as much at our command as the mediane ? b) The quantity or value at the midpoint of a set… …   Wiktionary

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