mechanical drive

mechanical drive
механический привод механический привод

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "mechanical drive" в других словарях:

  • Mechanical advantage — is a measure of the force amplification achieved by using a tool, mechanical device or machine system. Ideally, the device preserves the input power and simply trades off forces against movement to obtain a desired amplification in the output… …   Wikipedia

  • Mechanical screening — Mechanical screening, often just called screening, is the practice of taking granulated ore material and separating it into multiple grades by particle size. This practice occurs in a variety of industries such as mining and mineral processing,… …   Wikipedia

  • Mechanical engineering — Mechanical engineers design and build engines and power plants …   Wikipedia

  • Drive by wire — Drive by wire, DbW, by wire, or x by wire technology in the automotive industry replaces the traditional mechanical control systems with electronic control systems using electromechanical actuators and human machine interfaces such as pedal and… …   Wikipedia

  • Mechanical calculator — An old Russian mechanical calculator. A mechanical calculator is a device used to perform the basic operations of arithmetic. Mechanical calculators are comparable in size to small desktop computers and have been rendered obsolete by the advent… …   Wikipedia

  • Drive shaft — This article is about the mechanical device. For the fictional music group from the American television series Lost , see Charlie Pace. Not to be confused with Axle. Drive shaft with universal joints at each end and a spline in the centre A drive …   Wikipedia

  • Mechanical system — This article is about systems that manage mechanical movement. For other uses, see Machine (disambiguation). A mechanical system manages power to accomplish a task that involves forces and movement. Mechanical is derived from the Latin word… …   Wikipedia

  • Mechanical fan — Household electric box fan with a propeller style blade A mechanical fan is a machine used to create flow within a fluid, typically a gas such as air. A fan consists of a rotating arrangement of vanes or blades which act on the air. Usually, it… …   Wikipedia

  • Mechanical ventilation — In architecture and climate control, mechanical or forced ventilation is the use of powered equipment, e.g. fans and blowers, to move air  see ventilation (architecture). Mechanical ventilation Intervention …   Wikipedia

  • Mechanical bull — Gator Conley on a mechanical bull A mechanical bull, also known as a rodeo bull or bucking bronco is a machine that replicates the sensation of riding a bucking animal, such as a rodeo bull or horse. It is usually powered by a variable speed… …   Wikipedia

  • drive — Synonyms and related words: Autobahn, Sunday drive, US highway, acceleration, activity, actuate, advance, advance against, advance upon, adventuresomeness, adventurousness, aggravated assault, aggression, aggressiveness, airing, alley, alleyway,… …   Moby Thesaurus

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