- meat-fly
- ˈmi:tflaɪ сущ. мясная муха (энтомология) мясная муха (Musca vomitoria)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Meat fly — Meat Meat (m[=e]t), n. [OE. mete, AS. mete; akin to OS. mat, meti, D. met hashed meat, G. mettwurst sausage, OHG. maz food, Icel. matr, Sw. mat, Dan. mad, Goth. mats. Cf. {Mast} fruit, {Mush}.] 1. Food, in general; anything eaten for nourishment … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
meat-fly — meatˈ fly noun 1. A blowfly 2. A flesh fly • • • Main Entry: ↑meat … Useful english dictionary
meat fly — Flesh Flesh (fl[e^]sh), n. [OE. flesch, flesc, AS. fl[=ae]sc; akin to OFries. fl[=a]sk, D. vleesch, OS. fl[=e]sk, OHG. fleisc, G. fleisch, Icel. & Dan. flesk lard, bacon, pork, Sw. fl[ a]sk.] 1. The aggregate of the muscles, fat, and other… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
meat fly — noun : flesh fly … Useful english dictionary
Meat — (m[=e]t), n. [OE. mete, AS. mete; akin to OS. mat, meti, D. met hashed meat, G. mettwurst sausage, OHG. maz food, Icel. matr, Sw. mat, Dan. mad, Goth. mats. Cf. {Mast} fruit, {Mush}.] 1. Food, in general; anything eaten for nourishment, either by … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Meat biscuit — Meat Meat (m[=e]t), n. [OE. mete, AS. mete; akin to OS. mat, meti, D. met hashed meat, G. mettwurst sausage, OHG. maz food, Icel. matr, Sw. mat, Dan. mad, Goth. mats. Cf. {Mast} fruit, {Mush}.] 1. Food, in general; anything eaten for nourishment … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Meat earth — Meat Meat (m[=e]t), n. [OE. mete, AS. mete; akin to OS. mat, meti, D. met hashed meat, G. mettwurst sausage, OHG. maz food, Icel. matr, Sw. mat, Dan. mad, Goth. mats. Cf. {Mast} fruit, {Mush}.] 1. Food, in general; anything eaten for nourishment … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Meat offering — Meat Meat (m[=e]t), n. [OE. mete, AS. mete; akin to OS. mat, meti, D. met hashed meat, G. mettwurst sausage, OHG. maz food, Icel. matr, Sw. mat, Dan. mad, Goth. mats. Cf. {Mast} fruit, {Mush}.] 1. Food, in general; anything eaten for nourishment … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
meat — n. 1 the flesh of animals (esp. mammals) as food. 2 (foll. by of) the essence or chief part of. 3 US the edible part of fruits, nuts, eggs, shellfish, etc. 4 archaic a food of any kind. b a meal. Phrases and idioms: meat and drink a source of… … Useful english dictionary
fly — 1. v. & n. v. (flies; past flew; past part. flown) 1 intr. move through the air under control, esp. with wings. 2 (of an aircraft or its occupants): a intr. travel through the air or through space. b tr. traverse (a region or distance) (flew the… … Useful english dictionary
fly|blow — «FLY BLOH», noun, verb, blew, blown, blow|ing. –n. the egg or young larva of a blowfly deposited especially in or on meat. –v.t. 1. to deposit eggs or larvae in or on (especially meat). 2. Figurative. to oil; taint; … Useful english dictionary