measuring loop
Смотреть что такое "measuring loop" в других словарях:
measuring loop — matavimo kilpa statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. measuring loop; testing loop vok. Meßschleife, f rus. измерительный шлейф, m pranc. boucle de mesure, f … Automatikos terminų žodynas
measuring loop — matavimo kilpa statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. measuring loop vok. Meßschleife, f rus. измерительный шлейф, m pranc. boucle de mesure, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
loop — loop1 [lo͞op] n. [ME loup < Anglo N forms corresponding to ON hlaup, a leap, hlaupa, to run (akin to LEAP) > Dan løbe(knude), lit., running (knot)] 1. a) the more or less circular figure formed by a line, thread, wire, etc. that curves back … English World dictionary
loop|worm — «LOOP WURM», noun. = measuring worm. (Cf. ↑measuring worm) … Useful english dictionary
Measuring — Meas ur*ing, a. Used in, or adapted for, ascertaining measurements, or dividing by measure. [1913 Webster] {Measuring faucet}, a faucet which permits only a given quantity of liquid to pass each time it is opened, or one by means of which the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Measuring faucet — Measuring Meas ur*ing, a. Used in, or adapted for, ascertaining measurements, or dividing by measure. [1913 Webster] {Measuring faucet}, a faucet which permits only a given quantity of liquid to pass each time it is opened, or one by means of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Measuring worm — Measuring Meas ur*ing, a. Used in, or adapted for, ascertaining measurements, or dividing by measure. [1913 Webster] {Measuring faucet}, a faucet which permits only a given quantity of liquid to pass each time it is opened, or one by means of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
loop|er — «LOO puhr», noun. 1. a person or thing that loops or forms loops. 2. = measuring worm. (Cf. ↑measuring worm) 3. the part that carries the thread in a sewing machine … Useful english dictionary
Loop performance — indicates the performance of control loops, typically in the context of a regulatory PID loop. Performance refers to the accuracy of a control system s ability to track (output) the desired signals to properly regulate the plant it is attached to … Wikipedia
measuring worm — ☆ measuring worm n. the caterpillar of any geometrid moth: it moves by alternately advancing the front end of its body and bringing the rear end forward to form a loop * * * ▪ larva also called Looper, Cankerworm, or Inchworm the larva of… … Universalium
measuring worm — ☆ measuring worm n. the caterpillar of any geometrid moth: it moves by alternately advancing the front end of its body and bringing the rear end forward to form a loop … English World dictionary