measured reliability
Смотреть что такое "measured reliability" в других словарях:
Reliability engineering — is an engineering field, that deals with the study of reliability: the ability of a system or component to perform its required functions under stated conditions for a specified period of time. [ Definition by IEEE] It is often reported in terms… … Wikipedia
Reliability theory of aging and longevity — is a scientific approach aimed to gain theoretical insights into mechanisms of biological aging and species survival patterns by applying a general theory of systems failure, known as reliability theory. OverviewReliability theory allows… … Wikipedia
Reliability of Wikipedia — Vandalism of a Wikipedia article. The section on the left is the normal, undamaged version; and on the right is the edited, damaged version. The reliabili … Wikipedia
Reliability (statistics) — In statistics, reliability is the consistency of a set of measurements or measuring instrument, often used to describe a test. This can either be whether the measurements of the same instrument give or are likely to give the same measurement… … Wikipedia
reliability — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ high ▪ greater, greatest ▪ poor ▪ absolute ▪ improved, increased … Collocations dictionary
Delivery Reliability — (DR) is a broadly used standard KPI measurement in supply chains to measure the reliability of a supplier s delivery date confirmation for a customer s demand. Following the nomenclature of the DR DP Matrix, three main approaches to measure DR… … Wikipedia
Ongoing reliability test — The ongoing reliability test (ORT) is a hardware test process usually used in manufacturing to ensure that quality of the products is still of the same specifications as the day it first went to production or general availability. The products… … Wikipedia
Electric system reliability — The degree to which the performance of the elements of the electrical system results in power being delivered to consumers within accepted standards and in the amount desired. Reliability encompasses two concepts, adequacy and security.… … Energy terms
Outage management system — An Outage Management System (OMS) is a computer system used by operators of electric distribution systems to assist in restoration of power. Contents 1 Major Functions of an OMS 2 OMS Principles and Integration Requirements 3 OMS Benefits … Wikipedia
измеренная надёжность — — [ russkiy slovar neftegazovoy promyishlennosti/] Тематики нефтегазовая промышленность EN measured reliability … Справочник технического переводчика
Software quality — Contents 1 Motivation for Defining Software Quality 2 Definition 3 Alternative Approaches to Software Quality Defin … Wikipedia