measure ring
Смотреть что такое "measure ring" в других словарях:
Ring size — There are several systems for denoting the sizes of jewellery rings in use around the worldref|Ringsize: *In the United States and Canada, ring sizes are specified using a numerical scale, with quarter and half sizes. An increase of a full size… … Wikipedia
Ring oscillator — A ring oscillator is a device composed of an odd number of NOT gates whose output oscillates between two voltage levels, representing true and false . The NOT gates, or inverters, are attached in a chain; the output of the last inverter is fed… … Wikipedia
Ring-tailed Lemur — Taxobox name = Ring tailed LemurMSW3 Groves|pages=117|id=12100056] status = NT trend = down status system = iucn3.1 status ref = regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Mammalia ordo = Primates familia = Lemuridae genus = Lemur genus… … Wikipedia
ring size — a measure of the inside diameter or inside circumference of a ring (the kind worn on a finger). A variety of ring sizing systems are used in various countries. In the U.S., a ring of size n has an inside circumference of 1.43 + 0.102·n inches … Dictionary of units of measurement
Ring imaging Čerenkov detector — A Ring Imaging Čerenkov detector (RICH detector) is a particle detector that can determine the velocity, v , of a charged fundamental particle. This is done by an indirect measurement of the Čerenkov angle, heta c , i.e. the angle between the… … Wikipedia
Ring Dem Bells — Infobox Dad s Army episode number episode name=067 Ring Dem Bells script=Jimmy Perry and David Croft director=David Croft producer=David Croft recorded=Thursday 3/7/75 original transmission=Friday 5/9/75 8.00pm series=Eight length=30 minutes… … Wikipedia
ring laser gyro — A highly accurate way to measure change in an angular position or at an angular rate without the use of any mechanically spinning wheel. The ringed laser gyro principle is based on the small frequency difference produced between two laser beams… … Aviation dictionary
Delta-ring — In mathematics, a nonempty collection of sets is called a δ ring (pronounced delta ring) if it is closed under union, relative complementation, and countable intersection: if if … Wikipedia
Der Ring des Nibelungen: Composition of the music — The composition of the operatic tetralogy The Ring of the Nibelung occupied Richard Wagner for more than a quarter of a century. Conceived around 1848, the work was not finished until 1874, fewer than two years before the entire cycle was given… … Wikipedia
Cavity ring-down spectroscopy — (CRDS) is a spectroscopic technique for measuring the transmission or more accurately, the absorbance of light through a material. CRDS can provide extremely sensitive measurements, allowing scientists to measure very small differences in the… … Wikipedia
Projection-valued measure — In mathematics, particularly functional analysis a projection valued measure is a function defined on certain subsets of a fixed set and whose values are self adjoint projections on a Hilbert space. Projection valued measures are used to express… … Wikipedia