measure of sensitivity

measure of sensitivity
мат. мера чувствительности

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "measure of sensitivity" в других словарях:

  • Sensitivity and specificity — are statistical measures of the performance of a binary classification test. The sensitivity or the recall rate measures the proportion of actual positives which are correctly identified as such (i.e. the percentage of sick people who are… …   Wikipedia

  • Sensitivity analysis — (SA) is the study of how the variation (uncertainty) in the output of a mathematical model can be apportioned, qualitatively or quantitatively, to different sources of variation in the input of a model Saltelli, A., Ratto, M., Andres, T.,… …   Wikipedia

  • sensitivity — sen|si|tiv|i|ty [ ,sensə tıvəti ] noun ** ▸ 1 understanding ▸ 2 physical reaction ▸ 3 emotional reaction ▸ 4 of situation/issue ▸ 5 ability to measure 1. ) uncount the quality of understanding how someone feels and being careful not to offend… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • sensitivity */*/ — UK [ˌsensəˈtɪvətɪ] / US noun Word forms sensitivity : singular sensitivity plural sensitivities 1) a) [uncountable] the quality of understanding how someone feels and being careful not to offend them Delivering bad news requires sensitivity on… …   English dictionary

  • Sensitivity (radio receiver) — A receiver s sensitivity is a measure of its ability to discern low level signals.Sensitivity in a receiver is normally taken as the minimum input signal (Smin) required to produce a specified output signal having a specified signal to noise… …   Wikipedia

  • sensitivity — 1. The ability to appreciate by one or more of the senses. 2. State of being sensitive. SYN: esthesia (2). 3. In clinical pathology and medical screening, the proportion of affected individuals who give a positive test result for the …   Medical dictionary

  • sensitivity — n. 1) (in microbiology) the degree to which a disease causing organism responds to treatment by antibiotics or other drugs. 2) (in preventive medicine) a measure of the reliability of a screening test based on the proportion of people with a… …   The new mediacal dictionary

  • Sensitivity — F/A/V An indication of recording or playback efficiency as might be measure of a microphone or audio tape recorder. WikiV In television, a factor expressing the incident illumination upon a specified scene required to produce a specified picture… …   Audio and video glossary

  • sensitivity —    The measure of the light dose needed to mark an optical medium …   IT glossary of terms, acronyms and abbreviations

  • Climate sensitivity — is a measure of how responsive the temperature of the climate system is to a change in the radiative forcing. It is usually expressed as the temperature change associated with a doubling of the concentration of carbon dioxide in Earth s… …   Wikipedia

  • Shock sensitivity — is a comparative measure of the sensitivity to sudden movement of a chemical compound, usually of an explosive.Compounds with a high sensitivity to shock, such as Nitroglycerin and Acetone peroxide require special precautions to be taken when… …   Wikipedia

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