measure of productivity

measure of productivity
показатель производительности

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "measure of productivity" в других словарях:

  • productivity — pro·duc·tiv·i·ty (prō dŭk tĭvʹĭ tē, prŏd ək ) n. 1. The quality of being productive. 2. Economics. The rate at which goods or services are produced especially output per unit of labor. 3. Ecology. The rate at which radiant energy is used by… …   Universalium

  • productivity — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ high, low ▪ enhanced, greater, improved, increased, maximum ▪ improving, increasing …   Collocations dictionary

  • Productivity — in economics refers to measures of output from production processes, per unit of input. Labor productivity, for example, is typically measured as a ratio of output per labor hour, an input. Productivity may be conceived of as a measure of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Productivity model — Productivity in economics is the ratio of what is produced to what is required to produce. Productivity is the measure on production efficiency. Productivity model is a measurement method which is used in practice for measuring productivity.… …   Wikipedia

  • Productivity (disambiguation) — Productivity, in economics, is the amount of output created produced per unit input used.Productivity may also refer to:*Productivity (linguistics), the degree to which a grammatical process can be extended to new cases *Social productivity, the… …   Wikipedia

  • Productivity paradox — The productivity paradox (also known as the Solow paradox or sometimes the Solow computer paradox) is the theory that computers have contributed negligibly to productivity, and is often summarized with Robert Solow s 1987 quip, You can see the… …   Wikipedia

  • Productivity — An economic measure of output per unit of input. Inputs include labor and capital, while output is typically measured in revenues and other GDP components such as business inventories. Productivity measures may be examined collectively (across… …   Investment dictionary

  • measure — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 official action to deal with a problem ADJECTIVE ▪ appropriate, effective, necessary, practical ▪ We urge you to adopt all necessary measures to guarantee people s safety. ▪ key …   Collocations dictionary

  • productivity — A measure of the rate of output from the use of defined quantities of inputs. Based on the use of *factors of production, the concept is typically applied to labor productivity and capital productivity, and it is often measured by ratios and… …   Auditor's dictionary

  • productivity — The ratio of output to input. Neither element is easy to measure completely or consistently over time; they are often converted into money values. Labour input can be expressed in numbers of workers, total number of hours worked, or wage costs in …   Dictionary of sociology

  • productivity — a measure of the capacity of a biological system, the amount of fish supported or produced by a given area in a given time. Also used as a measure of the efficiency with which a biological system converts energy into growth and production. A… …   Dictionary of ichthyology

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