Смотреть что такое "meany" в других словарях:
Meany — is a surname. Notable people with the surname include: Edmond S. Meany, American historian, politician, and Mountaineer George Meany, American labor leader, first president of the AFL CIO Paul Meany, American musician Bugs Meany, a recurring… … Wikipedia
Meany — ist der Nachname folgender Personen: George Meany (1894–1980), US amerikanischer Gewerkschaftsfunktionär Helen Meany (1904–1991), US amerikanische Wasserspringerin Paul Meany (*1976), US amerikanischer Musiker Diese Seite … Deutsch Wikipedia
Meany — [ miːnɪ], George, amerikanischer Gewerkschaftsführer, * New York 16. 8. 1894, ✝ Washington (D. C.) 10. 1. 1980; wurde 1940 Schatzmeister der AFL, 1952 deren Vorsitzender als Nachfolger W. Greens und war 1955 79 Präsident der AFL/CIO. Um die… … Universal-Lexikon
meany — see MEANIE (Cf. meanie) … Etymology dictionary
Meany — [mē′nē] George 1894 1980; U.S. labor leader: president of the AFL CIO (1955 79) … English World dictionary
meany — AND meanie n. a mean or grouchy person. □ Come on! Don’t be such a meany. □ I don’t want to be a meany, but if you don’t turn down that radio, I don’t know what I’ll do … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
meany — /mee nee/, n., pl. meanies. Informal. a small minded, petty, or malicious person: The children said their teacher was a real meany. Also, meanie. [1925 30; MEAN2 + Y2] * * * … Universalium
Meany — Recorded in the spellings of Meeny, Meany, O Mo(o)ney, O Moeney etc.this surname is Irish. However spelt it is an anglicized form of the pre 10th century Gaelic O Maonaigh. The prefix O indicates male descendant of , plus the personal byname… … Surnames reference
Meany Hall for the Performing Arts — Meany Hall at the University of Washington Meany Hall has been the name of two buildings on the University of Washington Campus. The current Meany Hall is considered one of the region’s premier performance facilities, highly acclaimed by artists… … Wikipedia
Meany Lodge — Location near Stampede Pass, Washington, US Runs 32 (4 groomed) Lift system 1 surface lift Web site … Wikipedia
Meany, Miny, and Moe — (art by Walter Lantz Studios). Character information … Wikipedia