mean characteristic

mean characteristic
мат. средняя характеристика

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "mean characteristic" в других словарях:

  • characteristic — adj Characteristic, individual, peculiar, distinctive are comparable when they mean indicating or revealing the special quality or qualities of a particular person or thing or of a particular group of persons or things. Characteristic stresses… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Characteristic function (probability theory) — The characteristic function of a uniform U(–1,1) random variable. This function is real valued because it corresponds to a random variable that is symmetric around the origin; however in general case characteristic functions may be complex valued …   Wikipedia

  • Mean longitude — In astrodynamics or celestial dynamics, mean longitude is the longitude at which an orbiting body could be found if its orbit were circular, and free of perturbations, and if its inclination were zero. Both the mean longitude and the true… …   Wikipedia

  • Mean anomaly — In celestial mechanics, the mean anomaly is a parameter relating position and time for a body moving in a Kepler orbit. It is based on the fact that equal areas are swept at the focus in equal intervals of time. The mean anomaly increases… …   Wikipedia

  • Mean lifetime — Given an assembly of elements, the number of which decreases ultimately to zero, the lifetime (also called the mean lifetime) is a certain number that characterizes the rate of reduction ( decay ) of the assembly. Specifically, if the individual… …   Wikipedia

  • Characteristic earthquakes — Almost all geology is fractal and scale invariant. That means you should always put in a scale when taking pictures of rock formations. For example, in this picture, you can’t tell if it is 6 m or 6 km across. It’s actually an ASTER satellite… …   Wikipedia

  • characteristic — I. noun Date: 1664 1. a distinguishing trait, quality, or property 2. the integral part of a common logarithm 3. the smallest positive integer n which for an operation in a ring or field yields 0 when any element is used n times with the… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Mean speed theorem — Galileo s demonstration of the law of the space traversed in case of uniformly varied motion. It s the same demonstration that Oresme had made centuries earlier. In the 14th century, the Oxford Calculators of Merton College and French… …   Wikipedia

  • Regression toward the mean — In statistics, regression toward the mean (also known as regression to the mean) is the phenomenon that if a variable is extreme on its first measurement, it will tend to be closer to the average on a second measurement, and a fact that may… …   Wikipedia

  • Contraharmonic mean — In mathematics, a contraharmonic mean is a function complementary to the harmonic mean. The contraharmonic mean is a special case of the Lehmer mean, L2. Contents 1 Definition 2 Properties 3 Explication …   Wikipedia

  • Receiver operating characteristic — In signal detection theory, a receiver operating characteristic (ROC), or simply ROC curve, is a graphical plot of the sensitivity vs. (1 specificity) for a binary classifier system as its discrimination threshold is varied. The ROC can also be… …   Wikipedia

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