maximal tree
Смотреть что такое "maximal tree" в других словарях:
Maximal munch — In computer programming and computer science, maximal munch or longest match is the principle that when creating some construct, as much of the available input as possible should be consumed. It is similar, though not entirely identical, to the… … Wikipedia
Tree (graph theory) — Trees A labeled tree with 6 vertices and 5 edges Vertices v Edges v 1 Chromatic number … Wikipedia
Maximal pair — Given a string S of length n, a maximal pair is a tuple (p1,p2,l), such that S[p1..p1 + l − 1] = S[p2..p2 + l − 1], but and . A maximal repeat is a string represented by such tuple. A supermaximal repeat is a maximal repeat never occurring as a… … Wikipedia
Tree (set theory) — In set theory, a tree is a partially ordered set (poset) ( T … Wikipedia
Suffix tree — In computer science, a suffix tree (also called suffix trie, PAT tree or, in an earlier form, position tree) is a data structure that presents the suffixes of a given string in a way that allows for a particularly fast implementation of many… … Wikipedia
Spanning tree (mathematics) — In the mathematical field of graph theory, a spanning tree T of a connected, undirected graph G is a tree composed of all the vertices and some (or perhaps all) of the edges of G . Informally, a spanning tree of G is a selection of edges of G… … Wikipedia
Red-black tree — A red black tree is a type of self balancing binary search tree, a data structure used in computer science, typically used to implement associative arrays. The original structure was invented in 1972 by Rudolf Bayer who called them symmetric… … Wikipedia
Implicit kd-tree — An implicit k d tree is a k d tree defined implicitly above a rectilinear grid. Its splitting planes positions and orientations are not given explicitly but implicitly by some recursive splitting function defined on the hyperrectangles belonging… … Wikipedia
Red-black-tree — Ein Rot Schwarz Baum ist in der Informatik eine vom binären Suchbaum abgeleitete Datenstruktur, die sehr schnellen Zugriff auf die in ihr gespeicherten Werte garantiert. Rot Schwarz Bäume wurden zuerst 1972 von Rudolf Bayer beschrieben[1],… … Deutsch Wikipedia
(a,b)-tree — In computer science, an (a,b) tree is a specific kind of search tree. An (a,b) tree has all of its leaves at the same depth, and all internal nodes have between a and b children, where a and b are integers such that 2 le a le (b+1)/2. The root… … Wikipedia
Junction tree algorithm — The junction tree algorithm is a method used in machine learning for exact marginalization in general graphs. In essence, it entails performing belief propagation on a modified graph called a junction tree. The basic premise is to eliminate… … Wikipedia