maximal group
Смотреть что такое "maximal group" в других словарях:
Maximal torus — In the mathematical theory of compact Lie groups a special role is played by torus subgroups, in particular by the maximal torus subgroups. A torus in a Lie group G is a compact, connected, abelian Lie subgroup of G (and therefore isomorphic to… … Wikipedia
Maximal compact subgroup — In mathematics, a maximal compact subgroup K of a topological group G is a subgroup K that is a compact space, in the subspace topology, and maximal amongst such subgroups. Maximal compact subgroups play an important role in the classification of … Wikipedia
Maximal subgroup — Lattice of subgroups of the symmetric group S4 M. s. are A4, three Dih4 and four S3 (Compare: Subgroups of S … Wikipedia
Group Club Handball — Die Group Club Handball (kurz GCH) (engl.; dt. etwa: „Vereinigung der Handballclubs“) ist ein Zusammenschluss verschiedener europäischer Handball Spitzenvereine. Sie wurde am 25. November 2006 in Düsseldorf mit dem Ziel, die Interessen der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Group of pictures — Dans le domaine du codage vidéo, la structure d’un GOP (Group of pictures) ou « Groupe d images » définit l ordre dans lequel sont disposées les images à codage interne (image intra) et à codage prédictif image inter. Un GOP est… … Wikipédia en Français
Group of pictures — In MPEG encoding, a group of pictures, or GOP, specifies the order in which intra frames and inter frames are arranged.The GOP is a group of successive pictures within an MPEG coded video stream. Each MPEG coded video stream consists of… … Wikipedia
maximal lineage — noun : a large kinship group comprising all the descendants of a remotest known ancestor with lineage being usually traced only through ancestors of the same sex as the initial progenitor contrasted with minimal lineage … Useful english dictionary
Mathieu group — Group theory Group theory … Wikipedia
Conway group — Group theory Group theory … Wikipedia
General linear group — Group theory Group theory … Wikipedia
Orthogonal group — Group theory Group theory … Wikipedia