Смотреть что такое "matzoth" в других словарях:
matzoth — matzo matz o, matzoh matz oh, n.; pl. E. {matzos} or {matzohs}; Hebr. {matzoth} [Heb. matsts[=o]th, pl. of matsts[=a]h unleavened.] A cake of unleavened bread eaten by the Jews at the feast of the Passover. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
matzoth — mÉ‘ËtsÉ™ / mÉ’tsÉ™ n. unleavened bread eaten by Jews during the holiday of Passover (Hebrew) mÉ‘ËtsÉ™ / mÉ’tsÉ™ n. unleavened bread eaten by Jews during the holiday of Passover (Hebrew) … English contemporary dictionary
Matzo — Hand baked shmurah matzo Machine made matzo Matzo o … Wikipedia
matzo — /maht seuh/; Seph. Heb. /mah tsah /; Ashk. Heb. /mah tsaw/, n., pl. matzos, matzoth, matzot /maht seuhz/; Seph. Heb. /mah tsawt /; Ashk. Heb. /mah tsohs/. 1. unleavened bread in the form of large crackers, typically square and corrugated, eaten… … Universalium
matzo — n. (pl. os or matzoth) 1 a wafer of unleavened bread for the Passover. 2 such bread collectively. Etymology: Yiddish f. Heb. massah * * * matzo [matzo matzos matzoth] [ˈmætsəʊ] [ˈmɑːtsoʊ] noun … Useful english dictionary
afikomen — ˌäfēˈkōmən noun ( s) Etymology: Hebrew ăphīqōmān : a piece broken from the middle one of the three matzoth used by Jews at the Passover Seder service and set aside to be eaten at the end of the meal * * * /ah fee koh meuhn/, n. Judaism. a piece… … Useful english dictionary
matzo — matz o, matzoh matz oh, n.; pl. E. {matzos} or {matzohs}; Hebr. {matzoth} [Heb. matsts[=o]th, pl. of matsts[=a]h unleavened.] A cake of unleavened bread eaten by the Jews at the feast of the Passover. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
matzoh — matzo matz o, matzoh matz oh, n.; pl. E. {matzos} or {matzohs}; Hebr. {matzoth} [Heb. matsts[=o]th, pl. of matsts[=a]h unleavened.] A cake of unleavened bread eaten by the Jews at the feast of the Passover. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
matzohs — matzo matz o, matzoh matz oh, n.; pl. E. {matzos} or {matzohs}; Hebr. {matzoth} [Heb. matsts[=o]th, pl. of matsts[=a]h unleavened.] A cake of unleavened bread eaten by the Jews at the feast of the Passover. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
matzos — matzo matz o, matzoh matz oh, n.; pl. E. {matzos} or {matzohs}; Hebr. {matzoth} [Heb. matsts[=o]th, pl. of matsts[=a]h unleavened.] A cake of unleavened bread eaten by the Jews at the feast of the Passover. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
matzo — or matzoh noun (plural matzoth or matzos or matzohs) Etymology: Yiddish matse, from Hebrew maṣṣāh Date: 1650 1. unleavened bread eaten especially at the Passover 2. a wafer of matzo … New Collegiate Dictionary