- matter of opinion
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Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
matter of opinion — {n. phr.} Something that may or may not be true; something that people do not all agree on. * /Whether or not he was a good general is a matter of opinion./ Compare: MATTER OF FACT … Dictionary of American idioms
matter of opinion — {n. phr.} Something that may or may not be true; something that people do not all agree on. * /Whether or not he was a good general is a matter of opinion./ Compare: MATTER OF FACT … Dictionary of American idioms
matter\ of\ opinion — n. phr. Something that may or may not be true; something that people do not all agree on. Whether or not he was a good general is a matter of opinion. Compare: matter of fact •• smth not known or proved to be true or correct; smth not believed by … Словарь американских идиом
matter of opinion — subject to one s viewpoint, matter of how one looks at it … English contemporary dictionary
matter of opinion — smth not known or proved to be true or correct; smth not believed by the speaker … Idioms and examples
a matter of opinion — OPEN TO QUESTION, debatable, open to debate, a moot point. → opinion * * * a matter of opinion see under ↑opinion • • • Main Entry: ↑matter a matter of opinion A matter about which opinions differ • • • Main Entry: ↑opinion * * * something not… … Useful english dictionary
be a matter of opinion — 1. if something is a matter of opinion, different people have different opinions about it. I don t think there is a perfect way to teach a child to read it s a matter of opinion, really. 2. if you say that something someone has just said is a… … New idioms dictionary
(a) matter of opinion — a matter of opinion/taste/ phrase something that different people have different opinions about Art is very much a matter of taste. Thesaurus: preferring and preferencesynonym Main entry … Useful english dictionary
a\ matter\ of\ opinion — n. phr. Something that may or may not be true; something that people do not all agree on. Whether or not he was a good general is a matter of opinion. Compare: matter of fact •• smth not known or proved to be true or correct; smth not believed by … Словарь американских идиом
a matter of opinion — ► a matter of opinion something not capable of being proven either way. Main Entry: ↑opinion … English terms dictionary
(a) matter of opinion — the particular belief that someone has about something. Whether the situation has improved is not a matter of opinion things are much worse than they were before … New idioms dictionary