matrix integral

matrix integral
мат. интегральная матрица

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "matrix integral" в других словарях:

  • Integral art — is can be variously defined as art that reaches across multiple quadrants and levels, that transcends and includes all limited forms, interpretations, or perspectives, as the belief that every human being is creative and that art is integral to… …   Wikipedia

  • Matrix mechanics — Quantum mechanics Uncertainty principle …   Wikipedia

  • Matrix calculus — Topics in Calculus Fundamental theorem Limits of functions Continuity Mean value theorem Differential calculus  Derivative Change of variables Implicit differentiation Taylor s theorem Related rates …   Wikipedia

  • Integral de Lebesgue — La integral de una función no negativa puede ser interpretada como el área bajo la curva. En matemática, la integración de una función no negativa (por considerar el caso más simple) puede considerarse como el área entre la gráfica de una curva y …   Wikipedia Español

  • Integral de Riemann-Stieltjes — La integral de Riemann Stieltjes es una extensión del concepto de Integral de Riemann que permite ampliar el potencial de esta herramienta. A diferencia de la integral de Riemann, que depende de una sola función f(x) llamada integrando, la… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Matrix function — In mathematics, a matrix function is a function which maps a matrix to another matrix. Contents 1 Extending scalar functions to matrix functions 1.1 Power series 1.2 Jordan decomposition …   Wikipedia

  • Matrix coefficient — In mathematics, a matrix coefficient (or matrix element) is a function on a group of a special form, which depends on a linear representation of the group and additional data. For the case of a finite group, matrix coefficients express the action …   Wikipedia

  • Matrix (mathematics) — Specific elements of a matrix are often denoted by a variable with two subscripts. For instance, a2,1 represents the element at the second row and first column of a matrix A. In mathematics, a matrix (plural matrices, or less commonly matrixes)… …   Wikipedia

  • Matrix (Mathematik) — Schema für eine allgemeine m×n Matrix In der Mathematik versteht man unter einer Matrix (Plural: Matrizen) eine rechteckige Anordnung (Tabelle) von Elementen bzw. mathematischen Objekten, mit denen man in bestimmter Weise rechnen kann (z. B …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Matrix exponential — In mathematics, the matrix exponential is a matrix function on square matrices analogous to the ordinary exponential function. Abstractly, the matrix exponential gives the connection between a matrix Lie algebra and the corresponding Lie group.… …   Wikipedia

  • Integral — This article is about the concept of integrals in calculus. For the set of numbers, see integer. For other uses, see Integral (disambiguation). A definite integral of a function can be represented as the signed area of the region bounded by its… …   Wikipedia

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