- matric
- матричный (разговорное) (сокращенное) от matriculation
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
matric — n. [Shortened from matriculation.] admission to a group (especially a college or university). [slang] Syn: matriculation. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Matric Pass — is a humorous and satirical play penned by G. C. Tongbra.[1] Written in 1964, it is a drama based on a particular societal trend that permeates throughout in the Manipuri society, that of glorifying the certificate.[2] It particularly depicts how … Wikipedia
matric potential — noun (botany) That component of the water potential of plants and soils that is due to the interaction of the water with colloids and to capillary forces • • • Main Entry: ↑matrix … Useful english dictionary
matric exemption — maˌtric eˈxemption 7 [matric exemption] noun uncountable (SAfrE) the fact of successfully completing the final year of school and being able to study at university or college • A senior certificate with matric exemption is required for ent … Useful english dictionary
matric — noun a) The final year of high school. b) Someone in their final year of high school … Wiktionary
matric. — 1. matriculated. 2. matriculation …
matric(al) — n. pertaining to matrix or womb … Dictionary of difficult words
matric — Matriculation … A concise dictionary of English slang
matric — n. Brit. colloq. matriculation. Etymology: abbr … Useful english dictionary
matric potential — The energy required to extract water from a porous medium to overcome the capillary and adsorptive forces [22] … Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology
matric potential — A water potential component, always of negative value, resulting from the presence of solid (often finely divided) surfaces; primarily responsible for water uptake by a dry seed prior to germination … Glossary of Biotechnology