Смотреть что такое "matins" в других словарях:
Matins — • Not Morning Prayer, but a nighttime prayer, which has now been replaced by the Office of Readings Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Matins Matins … Catholic encyclopedia
matins — canonical hour, mid 13c., from O.Fr. matines (12c.), from L.L. matutinas (nom. matutinæ) morning prayers, originally matutinas vigilias morning watches, from L. matutinus of or in the morning, associated with Matuta, Roman dawn goddess (see… … Etymology dictionary
matins — ► NOUN ▪ a service of morning prayer, especially in the Anglican Church. ORIGIN Old French matines mornings , from Latin Matuta, goddess of the dawn … English terms dictionary
Matins — For the Anglican service of Mattins or Matins, see Morning Prayer (Anglican). Matins (also known as Orthros or Oútrenya in Eastern Churches) is the early morning or night prayer service in the Roman Catholic, Anglican, Lutheran and Eastern… … Wikipedia
matins — mat·ins (mătʹnz) n. (used with a sing. or pl. verb) 1. a. Ecclesiastical. The office that formerly constituted together with lauds the first of the seven canonical hours. b. The time of day appointed for this service, traditionally midnight or 2… … Universalium
Matins — The major hour of the divine office of the Roman Catholic rite sung after midnight. It is the longest and most elaborate of all the hours. The chanting begins with the versicle Deus in adjutorium, followed by the invitatory (psalm verse),… … Historical dictionary of sacred music
Matins — The Order for Morning Prayer was called by the ancient popular name of Matins (abbreviated from Matutinae) in the original English Prayer Book of 1549. This name is still retained in the Tables of Lessons set forth in the English Prayer Book.… … American Church Dictionary and Cyclopedia
matins — mattins, matins noun (U) the first prayers of the day in the Christian religion; morning prayer … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
matins — This word (from the Latin matutinus, meaning in the morning ) refers to the first set of daily prayers and readings of the Liturgy of the Hours; matins are usually recited or sung between midnight and sunrise … Glossary of theological terms
Matins Gospel — Gospel Book from 1772. The central medallion depicts the Resurrection of Jesus, in the corners are the Four Evangelists (Moscow) The Matins Gospel is the solemn chanting of a lection from one of the Four Gospels during Matins in the Orthodox… … Wikipedia
Matins in Lutheranism — Lutheranism Luther s Seal Book of Concord … Wikipedia