maternal mortality
Смотреть что такое "maternal mortality" в других словарях:
Maternal mortality in fiction — Padmé Amidala dies after delivering twins Maternal death in fiction is a common theme encountered in literature, movies, and other media. The death of a mother during pregnancy, childbirth or puerperium is a tragic event. The chances of a… … Wikipedia
Maternal mortality rate — The number of maternal deaths related to childbearing divided by the number of live births (or by the number of live births + fetal deaths) in that year. The maternal mortality rate in the United States in 1993 (and 1994) was 0.1 per 1,000 live… … Medical dictionary
maternal mortality rate — the number of deaths due to complications of pregnancy, childbirth, and the puerperium per 100,000 live births (see also stillbirth). In 1952 concern about maternal mortality resulted in Britain in the setting up of a triennial confidential… … The new mediacal dictionary
maternal mortality rate — the number of deaths due to complications of pregnancy, childbirth, and the puerperium expressed as a proportion of all births (i.e. including stillbirth). Formerly the rate was expressed per 1000 births but with the low levels currently reported … Medical dictionary
maternal mortality rate — See mortality rate … Dictionary of sociology
Rate, maternal mortality — The number of maternal deaths related to childbearing divided by the number of live births (or by the number of live births + fetal deaths) in that year. The maternal mortality rate in the United States in 1993 (and 1994) was 0.1 per 1,000 live… … Medical dictionary
Maternal death — Classification and external resources ICD 10 O95 ICD 9 646.9 … Wikipedia
mortality rate — mortality, mortality rate The death rate, usually standardized by age and sex, to facilitate comparisons between areas and social groups. It provides a measure of health risks, improvements in the quality of health care, and the comparative… … Dictionary of sociology
mortality — mortality, mortality rate The death rate, usually standardized by age and sex, to facilitate comparisons between areas and social groups. It provides a measure of health risks, improvements in the quality of health care, and the comparative… … Dictionary of sociology
maternal death rate — maternal mortality rate a rate in which the numerator is the number of maternal deaths ascribed to puerperal causes in one year; the number of live births in that year is often used as the denominator, although to make a true rate the denominator … Medical dictionary
Maternal health — See also: Reproductive health and Women s health Maternal health refers to the health of women during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period. It encompasses the health care dimensions of family planning, preconception, prenatal,… … Wikipedia