material losses

material losses
финансовые потери;
материальный ущерб

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "material losses" в других словарях:

  • Nonpassive Income And Losses — Any income or losses that cannot be classified as passive. Nonpassive income includes any type of active income, such as wages, business income or investment income. Nonpassive losses include losses incurred in the active management of a business …   Investment dictionary

  • Maxwell material — A Maxwell material is a viscoelastic material having the properties both of elasticity and viscosity. It is named for James Clerk Maxwell who proposed the model in 1867. It is also known as a Maxwell fluid. Contents 1 Definition 2 Effect of a… …   Wikipedia

  • Geometric and material buckling — In a nuclear reactor, criticality is achieved when the rate of neutron production is equal to the rate of neutron losses, including both neutron absorption and neutron leakage. Geometric buckling is a measure of neutron leakage, while material… …   Wikipedia

  • CONFERENCE ON JEWISH MATERIAL CLAIMS AGAINST GERMANY — CONFERENCE ON JEWISH MATERIAL CLAIMS AGAINST GERMANY, umbrella organization established in New York in 1951 by 23 national and international Jewish organizations representing Diaspora Jewish life in the West. Its aims were to obtain funds for the …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Martin Van Buren: Against Government Aid for Business Losses — ▪ Primary Source              Many of the pet banks in which federal funds had been deposited defaulted during the Panic of 1837. As a consequence of the bank failures and the inability to raise public funds in an economy beset by a servere… …   Universalium

  • Cut one's losses — abandon a project in which one has already invested some part of one s capital, either material or emotional, for no return, so as not to incur more losses …   Dictionary of Australian slang

  • cut one's losses — Australian Slang abandon a project in which one has already invested some part of one s capital, either material or emotional, for no return, so as not to incur more losses …   English dialects glossary

  • note of historical cost profits and losses — A memorandum item in the annual accounts and report of a company giving an abbreviated restatement of the profit and loss account, showing the reported profit or loss as if no revaluations had been made. The statement need not be made where the… …   Accounting dictionary

  • Military history of France during World War II — History of France …   Wikipedia

  • Warsaw Uprising — Warbox conflict=Warsaw Uprising partof= Operation Tempest , World War II caption=Polish Home Army positions, outlined in red, on day 4 (4 August 1944). date=1 August 2 October 1944 place=Warsaw, Poland result=German victory… …   Wikipedia

  • Yom Kippur War — Battle of Syria redirects here. For the World War II campaign against the Vichy French in Syria, see Syria Lebanon Campaign. Yom Kippur War/October War Part of the …   Wikipedia

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