Смотреть что такое "massy" в других словарях:
Massy — ist die Bezeichnung mehrerer Gemeinden und Kantone in Frankreich: Massy (Essonne), Gemeinde im Département Essonne Massy (Saône et Loire), Gemeinde im Département Saône et Loire Massy (Seine Maritime), Gemeinde im Département Seine Maritime… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Massy — is the name of the following communes in France: Massy, Essonne, in the Essonne department Massy, Saône et Loire, in the Saône et Loire department Massy, Seine Maritime, in the Seine Maritime department Massy may also refer to: Massy, Kyrgyzstan … Wikipedia
Massy — Mass y, a. [Compar. {Massier}; superl. {Massiest}.] Compacted into, or consisting of, a mass; having bulk and weight or substance; ponderous; bulky and heavy; weighty; heavy; as, a massy shield; a massy rock. [1913 Webster] Your swords are now… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Massy — puede referirse a: Massy, comuna francesa del departamento de Saona y Loira. Massy, comuna francesa del departamento de Sena Marítimo. Massy, comuna francesa del departamento de Essonne. Esta … Wikipedia Español
massy — (adj.) late 14c., from MASS (Cf. mass) (n.1) + Y (Cf. y) (2) … Etymology dictionary
massy — *massive, bulky, monumental, substantial Analogous words: ponderous, hefty, cumbrous, cumbersome, weighty, *heavy: *large, big, great: solid, *firm, hard … New Dictionary of Synonyms
massy — [mas′ē] adj. massier, massiest Now Rare massive; weighty, bulky, etc. massiness n … English World dictionary
Massy — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Patronyme Annie Letitia Massy (1867 1931), malacologiste irlandaise. Arnaud Massy (1877 1950), joueur de golf français Toponymie Massy, commune française… … Wikipédia en Français
Massy — 1 Original name in latin Massy Name in other language Massi, Massy, Масси State code FR Continent/City Europe/Paris longitude 48.72692 latitude 2.28301 altitude 84 Population 38768 Date 2012 12 18 2 Original name in latin Massy Name in other… … Cities with a population over 1000 database
Massy — Recorded in the various spellings of Macy, Massy, Massey, Massie and Macey, this very interesting surname is of pre 8th century Old French origins. Introduced into England after the Norman Conquest of 1066 in some numbers, many of whom received… … Surnames reference
massy — adjective /ˈmæsi/ Heavy; massive. Their plumed helms are wrought with beaten gold, / Their swords enamelld, and about their necks / Hang massy chains of gold down to the waist; … Wiktionary