- mass observation
- массовое наблюдение (в социологии) , сплошное обследование общественного мнения
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Mass Observation — was a United Kingdom social research organisation founded in 1937. Their work ended in the mid 1960s but was revived in 1981. The Archive is housed at the University of Sussex. Mass Observation aimed to record everyday life in Britain through a… … Wikipedia
Mass-Observation — was a United Kingdom social research organisation founded in 1937. Their work ended in the mid 1960s but was revived in 1981. The Archive is housed at the University of Sussex.Mass Observation aimed to record everyday life in Britain through a… … Wikipedia
Mass Observation — An independent social research organization created in 1937 in Britain, which collected data and published reports until 1949, when it became a conventional market research company. It organized the world s largest participant observation study… … Dictionary of sociology
mass observation — /mæs ɒbzəˈveɪʃən/ (say mas obzuh vayshuhn) noun research or poll on public opinion and behaviour. Abbrev.: MO …
mass observation — noun Usage: usually capitalized M&O : an originally and chiefly British method of ascertaining public opinion and public sentiment by study of diaries and subjective writings, private comments, and interviews on general subjects, in combination… … Useful english dictionary
mass — 1. n., v., & adj. n. 1 a coherent body of matter of indefinite shape. 2 a dense aggregation of objects (a mass of fibres). 3 (in sing. or pl.; foll. by of) a large number or amount. 4 (usu. foll. by of) an unbroken expanse (of colour etc.). 5… … Useful english dictionary
Mass — 1. n., v., & adj. n. 1 a coherent body of matter of indefinite shape. 2 a dense aggregation of objects (a mass of fibres). 3 (in sing. or pl.; foll. by of) a large number or amount. 4 (usu. foll. by of) an unbroken expanse (of colour etc.). 5… … Useful english dictionary
Mass comparison — is a method developed by Joseph Greenberg to determine the level of genetic relatedness between languages. It is now usually called multilateral comparison. The method is generally rejected by linguists (Campbell 2001, p. 45), though it has… … Wikipedia
Mass Effect: Ascension — … Wikipedia
Mass-independent fractionation — Mass independent (isotope) fractionation refers to any chemical or physical process that acts to separate isotopes, where the amount of separation does not scale in proportion with the difference in the masses of the isotopes. Most isotopic… … Wikipedia
Mass surveillance — A closed circuit television camera. Mass surveillance is the pervasive surveillance of an entire population, or a substantial fraction thereof. Modern governments today commonly perform mass surveillance of their citizens, explaining that they… … Wikipedia