mass intercomparison
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Global climate model — AGCM redirects here. For Italian competition regulator, see Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato. Climate models are systems of differential equations based on the basic laws of physics, fluid motion, and chemistry. To “run” a model,… … Wikipedia
Radiocarbon dating — (sometimes simply known as carbon dating) is a radiometric dating method that uses the naturally occurring radioisotope carbon 14 (14C) to estimate the age of carbon bearing materials up to about 58,000 to 62,000 years.[1] Raw, i.e. uncalibrated … Wikipedia
Atmosphere of Earth — Air redirects here. For other uses, see Air (disambiguation). Qualities of air redirects here. It is not to be confused with Air quality … Wikipedia
Last Glacial Maximum — The Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) refers to the time of maximum extent of the ice sheets during the last glaciation (the Würm or Wisconsin glaciation), approximately 20,000 years ago. This extreme persisted for several thousand years. At this time,… … Wikipedia
DART radiative transfer model — DART is a 3D radiative transfer model, designed for scientific research, in particular remote sensing. Developed at CESBIO since 1992, DART model was patented in 2003. It is freeware for scientific activities. DART simulates radiative transfer in … Wikipedia
Heinrich event — Heinrich events, first described by marine geologist Hartmut Heinrich, occurred during the last glacial period, or ice age . During such events, armadas of icebergs broke off from glaciers and traversed the North Atlantic. The icebergs contained… … Wikipedia
Climate model — This article is about the theories and mathematics of climate modeling. For computer driven prediction of Earth s climate, see Global climate model. Climate models are systems of differential equations based on the basic laws of physics, fluid… … Wikipedia
Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy — Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS) is an analytical technique used in materials science. Sometimes referred to as high energy ion scattering (HEIS) spectrometry, RBS is used to determine the structure and composition of materials by… … Wikipedia
Climate change feedback — See also: Avoiding dangerous climate change, Runaway climate change, and Abrupt climate change Climate change feedback is important in the understanding of global warming because feedback processes may amplify or diminish the effect of each… … Wikipedia
Isoprene — Chembox new Name = Isoprene ImageFileL1 = Isoprene.svg ImageSizeL1 = 100px ImageFileR1 = Isoprene 3d.png ImageSizeR1 = 120px IUPACName = 2 Methyl buta 1,3 diene OtherNames = isoprene Section1 = Chembox Identifiers CASNo = 78 79 5 SMILES = C=C(C)C … Wikipedia
Climate sensitivity — is a measure of how responsive the temperature of the climate system is to a change in the radiative forcing. It is usually expressed as the temperature change associated with a doubling of the concentration of carbon dioxide in Earth s… … Wikipedia