martingale convergence

martingale convergence
мат. мартингальная сходимость

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "martingale convergence" в других словарях:

  • Doob's martingale convergence theorems — In mathematics specifically, in stochastic analysis Doob s martingale convergence theorems are a collection of results on the long time limits of supermartingales, named after the American mathematician Joseph Leo Doob. Contents 1 Statement of… …   Wikipedia

  • Martingale (probability theory) — For the martingale betting strategy , see martingale (betting system). Stopped Brownian motion is an example of a martingale. It can be used to model an even coin toss betting game with the possibility of bankruptcy. In probability theory, a… …   Wikipedia

  • Martingale (calcul stochastique) — Pour les articles homonymes, voir martingale (homonymie). En calcul stochastique, une martingale désigne un type de processus stochastique, c est à dire un processus aléatoire et dynamique. Ce type de processus X est tel que sa valeur espérée… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Convergence de variables aléatoires — Dans la théorie des probabilités, il existe différentes notions de convergence de variables aléatoires. La convergence (dans un des sens décrits ci dessous) de suites de variables aléatoires est un concept important de la théorie des probabilités …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Hardy space — In complex analysis, the Hardy spaces (or Hardy classes) Hp are certain spaces of holomorphic functions on the unit disk or upper half plane. They were introduced by Frigyes Riesz (Riesz 1923), who named them after G. H. Hardy, because of the… …   Wikipedia

  • probability theory — Math., Statistics. the theory of analyzing and making statements concerning the probability of the occurrence of uncertain events. Cf. probability (def. 4). [1830 40] * * * Branch of mathematics that deals with analysis of random events.… …   Universalium

  • List of mathematics articles (D) — NOTOC D D distribution D module D D Agostino s K squared test D Alembert Euler condition D Alembert operator D Alembert s formula D Alembert s paradox D Alembert s principle Dagger category Dagger compact category Dagger symmetric monoidal… …   Wikipedia

  • Joseph Leo Doob — Infobox Scientist name = Joseph Doob image width = 300px caption = Joseph Leo Doob birth date = birth date|1910|2|27|mf=y birth place = Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S. residence = nationality = death date = death date and age|2004|6|7|1910|2|27|mf=y death …   Wikipedia

  • Asymptotic equipartition property — In information theory the asymptotic equipartition property (AEP) is a general property of the output samples of a stochastic source. It is fundamental to the concept of typical set used in theories of compression.Roughly speaking, the theorem… …   Wikipedia

  • Dirichlet distribution — Several images of the probability density of the Dirichlet distribution when K=3 for various parameter vectors α. Clockwise from top left: α=(6, 2, 2), (3, 7, 5), (6, 2, 6), (2, 3, 4). In probability and… …   Wikipedia

  • MARTINGALES (THÉORIE DES) — Le mot «martingale» évoque l’idée d’une stratégie pour gagner aux jeux de hasard. Cette notion tient une place essentielle dans toute la théorie des probabilités et s’est révélée être un langage très riche dans de nombreux domaines des… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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